Wednesday 29 August 2012

Beyond Sponsorship

Beyond Sponsorship

Youths are the leaders of tomorrow; a fact well known by all and sundry.  The youths of this nation are especially very talented and have a large possibility of changing the world. However, there seems to be a factor that prevents most African youths vis-viz Nigerian youth from actualizing their dreams. 

 As long as a Nation, Country, State, Community, Village, Family or Individual solely depends on the support of another to succeed, they will continually remain failures.
As an individual, having a talent or an idea is not enough; the fact is this, whether it’s a talent/potential or idea you have, you didn’t generate it yourself. It was implanted in you by God. That implant alone cannot guarantee your success in life.

At a stage in my life, I was Sponsorship/Aid driven. I was constantly looking out for people to see my talent/idea and invest or sponsor it. It became so frustrating for me at a point, when some family members began to raise eyebrows about my constant request for financial aids to pull through my projects.  After several years of drafting proposals of sponsorship and stuffs, I met a man called Bunmi Davies and was about to explain an idea to him; before I could explain further, he said “Please don’t tell me what you can do, Show me what you’ve done”.  At that time, I felt bitter inwardly; I was hoping he would just give me some amount of cash to assist me. Well, the Irony is that, the bitter/anger I felt, inspired me to do something.  I went back to my base, talked to a few friends, went to my church, spoke with the youth president and the youths in general and after about 2 months of planning, I was ready to bring my idea to reality.
When I was searching for sponsorship/financial assistance, the budget for the project was about two hundred and fifty thousand naira (N250, 000.00); this is because I wanted it to be of the best standard and seen as topnotch.  Albeit, after involving my old school mates, neighbors at home and a few volunteers, I was able to bring my idea into reality with just Fifty Thousand Naira (N50, 000.00) It was not as classy sha.

Most times, because of the fast paced world we are in today, we are tempted to impatient with life. We just want someone to like us and spend money on us; however, if you have not shown the world what you can do, nobody would invest a dime on you.
 Some weeks ago, a young guy met me, telling me about his desire to be a musician, explaining how good he is. I asked him, can I see your demo? He said: Bros, you see, I never see person wer go sponsor me to do my demo. The funny part of the encounter is that he was wearing some new fake (My Money Grows like Grass shirt) using BlackBerry (London use) and some silly blings . I was saddened when he made that statement. That young man has a football club he is supporting strongly, I can assume he buys their New Jersey every season and watches their matches weekly; let’s assume he has a young girl he calls girlfriend and stuffs like that…
My point is that, this guy claims to be a musician, but has no demo yet he spends the little money he has on trivial things, and is searching for sponsorship, abeg if na, u go answer am?
Sometimes, we feel some wealth fellas are wicked, selfish or harsh; my friends a few of them are not. They are just being smart and careful.  If you genuinely work for your money, you wouldn’t spend it on people that are not serious.

If you wait for sponsorship before you kick start your idea, you’d never start, and that idea would die a natural death (like farouk lawal ‘s case). It is never a crime to start small (but it’s a crime to remain small). An Aboki Kiosk has more potential than the greatest idea that remains in the head. Let go of your pride, ego; do what you have to do to start; once you are on the move, you’d discover that people will gradually associate with your/idea/talent/brand.

Here are some quick tips to help you make your idea a reality:

                       Your family, church/mosque, old School mates, and online friends; these are associations that you should cherish. This is because they will one day become your first clients, fans or costumers. Social network has made this very simple to do; take full advantage of it.
                       Learn to communicate your idea or vision. Pls note that many people would not agree with this, but it’s the truth. If you don’t share your ideas, you never can know who will help you. The same way the finger prints of twins are different, that’s the same way ideas are uniquely different.   No one can execute your idea is good as the originator.
                       Be a part of a deal you enjoy. Spending time on a project that you don’t love is as good as using N5000 naira note to buy Gala or La casera.
                     Why are you doing what you are doing? Do you wanna be famous so that dem go know say you don lannndd!!! Or you wanna play your part in making the world a better place. Your motive plays a very important part in determining your success.
                     What will people say? Dem go laugh me, blab la blahhh… Let them laugh; in a few years time we would know who would laugh last. If you have to sell orange to get funds, SELL; if you gat to eat N50 eba without (meat) in order to buy a form for an audition; DO IT. Just do everything you positively can
·         PRACTICE: 
                  As much as you can, PRACTICE like you don’t pray. Doing voluntary jobs is an opportunity to practice, utilize any chance u get to work for free. Even though the financial reward is not coming immediately, the reward you’d get in the future would come from the experience you are gaining now.
·         PRAY:
                 When it seems like you can’t see a future ahead- PRAY; when it seems like the world is conspiring against you- PRAY; when it seems like you are out of steam and wanna give up – PRAY. Prayer is the fastest way of communicating with the divine.  With prayer, the forces of nature have no choice but to bend to your will.

My sincere hope is that in the nearest future, Brand managers of multinational co operations would come knocking at your door, offering you deals that would extend to your fourth generation; just to have a tiny bit of your talent/idea/brand or potential.

Airhunuoje O Michael (LordOfSwagg)

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