Thursday 31 January 2013

The White Paper

The society is complaining bitterly about the high rate of unemployment in the country.

The government has failed us, no work, no road, no water, no dis, no dat... We can spend the rest of our short lives complaining or we can look for an escape route from this predicament.

Read your books, go to the university and when you come out, you will get a good job. This has been the message that has been preached in our ears. When would we be wise enough to understand that that style is now outdated. Furthermore, to confuse and frustrate us the more, B.SC is been gradually secluded as an appropriate qualification. You must have a M.SC degree in other to be seen as an employable material. How long can we continue to allow ourselves be rigmaroled like kids? 

So many individuals & organizations are constantly looking for ways to make wealth from this predicament. The latest is focused on corpers. Different bodies approach you with programmes you can do in 3 months that will make your CV more colourful. Corpers spend large amounts from their mere allowance for a course, just to get a more colourful CV; all for the craze for a white collar job.
 Plz & plz... I'm tired of seeing youths suffer in ignorance or suffer ignorantly. I have no problem with acquisition of knowledge; my challenge is this: don't waste you time & resources trying to acquire a ''white paper'' certificate seeing it as a means to your success in life. We spend so much time pursuing ''white papers'' that we forget to see the many wonderful talents that God has given to us. The Nigerian system has failed; rather than fail with it, go around it. Spend your time developing yourself pari pasu your talent/gift. You are a star born to shine. Don't settle for anything less. Great people spent time developing themselves according to their gifts.

So many of us can argue & debate about sports, music, fashion, health care e.t.c why don't you find a way to be close to a football club (maybe local), study them, find something they are lacking, and provide solution to their problem. Who says that only a banker, or telecoms worker can have a good life?
Even though your talent/gift doesn't look like what you can use to earn a living now, just stay patient and focused. Every gift has its purpose. If your talent/gift wasn't needed now, you wouldn't have been born at this time.

Who knew 20 years ago that ''Comedy'' would provide food for certain people called ''Comedians''? Or Talking would provide daily bread for people known as ''Motivational Speakers''?
Our brains are capable of doing far more than what we are using it for. Leave the bandwagon. Pigs hunt together, but Lions hunt alone. Make your path, Create your destiny and win.

There is no better country to showcase your greatness than Nigeria. Remember that the torch shines brighter at night.