Wednesday 10 July 2013

The Making of World Class Leaders

It was both a moment of pride and joy as the first set of students of LIFE TRANSFORMERS ACADEMY received their Certificate of excellence at their Graduation Ceremony on Saturday 6th of July 2013.
The event which kicked off by 4pm began with the rendition of the National Anthem by those present; after which the Director of the Academy Mr. Airhunuoje O Michael gave an inspiring Welcome Address. In his address, he stretched that the need for developing leaders with Spiritual, Moral & Human Values cannot be over emphasized; stating that unless we develop leaders from their young age, we may continue to have ACCIDENTAL LEADERS in the helms of affairs.
One of the facilitators of the Academy Mr. Leleji Benjamin expressed his satisfaction with the students throughout the academy; stating that it was easy communicating with people who are eager to learn; he quickly gave a load down of everything he taught the students as he received a warm round of applause from the guests.
Moving forward, Mr. Taiye Ogunade, the MC of the occasion called on some of the students to explain in summary all they’ve learnt for the past one month in the Academy. Indeed, this was a moment of revelation for both the guests and the facilitators alike. The students looking extremely gorgeous in their White & Black outfit with a touch of Blue came out one after the other to tell everyone that cared to listen about their LTA EXPERIENCE. Miss Unyinme Emmanuel an Under Graduate Said: “when I was told about the Academy, I was like… Which one is Leadership Academy again? What do they want to tell me that I don’t know of before, however, I reluctantly registered and attended. After attending the first class, my orientation began to change; gradually I began to discover myself… I began to understand that there is a leader in me and that rather than dodge responsibilities, I should be courageous enough to accept them. In short, I’m really grateful to all the facilitators for setting up an Academy like this; I am going back to School, more focused and determined to conquer my world”
Mr. Richard Aminu, another student of the academy awaiting admission confessed: “This past one month has been a defining moment of my life. Prior before now, I was a bit confused about who I was and the purpose for my existence on earth… I was just living life everyday as it comes. But as I speak to you now, I know who I am. I know I was created to make my world better. This class has really changed me and has help to redesign my purpose in life. I live a purpose driven life now… Thanks to LTA”.
The testimonies were so touching that many parents and guest present were left speechless. Mrs. Ibukun Ladeloye who   taught the students about LOVE, DATING & SEX said she was really overwhelmed that the students could grab so much in just a space of 4 weeks. She also spoke on the need for parents to encourage their female daughters/wards to be a part of projects like this as many young girls are going through so much pressure to do the wrong stuffs… especially in this generation.
The Chairman Board Of Trustees of the Academy Pst. Olugbenga Agbato led the presentation of the Certificate Of Excellence to all the Graduates; while charging them to go out and live the life they’ve been taught to live. He also encourage them to teach other people just the way they have been taught; stating that the best way to learn is to teach others.
The event came to a close as the Next Academic Session was announced to be on the 17th of August – 7th of September 2013. Many of the guests began to show commitment of sponsoring at least 5 students for the next class.
In truth, LTA is a place where every young person must go to in order to be a leader in any sphere of life. For more details, pls visit or e-mail: follow on twitter: @ltanig, On Facebook LIKE: LIFE TRANSFORMERS ACADEMY. Or call/text 08171168742