Wednesday 30 October 2013


26th of October seemed like any other day, but for the business concert organized by Life Transformers Academy- the BUSINESS LESSONS OF MY MOTHER a.k.a BLOMM. 

The buzz had been around the air, on the lips of every youth around Agbara, the word BLOMM could be heard. Everyone was highly anticipating the set date.
The event scheduled to begin by 10am eventually started by 11:30 am, thanks to the environmental sanitation. LTA lovely officials colorfully dressed in their White & Gold Shirts were on ground to warmly welcome the entire guest to the event, as registration was being done at the entrance to the auditorium.
The event commenced with a spirit led worship session by Bro, Emmanuel, after which the opening prayer was said to declare the event open.

To honor our Nation, Miss Unyinme Emmanuel led the participants to a wonderful rendition of the National anthem; as Mr. Michael Airhunuoje the Director of Life Transformers Academy came up to give his welcome address. In his address, he emphazied on the need for the leaders of tomorrow to be financially independent, stating that the lack of financial balance among the youths of this generation is what inspired the Academy to set aside a day to educate people on the making, and managing of money.
JC Sax & Crew, a talented saxophone band were called upon to lighten up the atmosphere with some melodious tune; their performance left everyone in amazement and asking for more. After their delivery, Miss Olajumoke Omotayo an Ex- Student of Life Transformers Academy came forward to share her experience at the academy with the participants. According to her “LTA has helped me discover myself, and has increased my business sense, now I know what I am meant to accomplish and do with my life”. Her testimony set the mood right as Mr. Best Ojo one of the key speakers was ushered to the podium for his session.

Mr. Best Ojo a financial expert and the founder Alpha Business School began his session by emphasizing that the whole wisdom that is needed to succeed in life can be found in the word of God. He stated that God’s word is the sure foundation for any successful business. Using his personal life story as an example, he explained that his quest for financial knowledge led him to take certain steps that seemed illogical at that time; however, today he remains grateful that he was willingly to take the risk… Below are some of his key submissions:

a.    A failure is someone that does not know how close he was to success before he quits.
b.    The government, our society & even parents would try to define our lives… but we must be willingly to REDEFINE our lives by ourselves.
c.    If a situation is not favorable to us, we have the ability to CHANGE it.
d.    You must be willingly to learn in life… Never be tired of learning.
e.    There is a limit to how far people can help you; you must learn to fight your own battles.
After his session, the whole atmosphere was charged up and the audience gave him a warm round of applause as he returned to his seat.
All the way from Stand Up Nigeria comedy Show, UKPASKI a promising comedian was on ground to trigger the laughter gland of everyone present, his performance was nothing short but world class. 

Almost immediately, the second speaker for the day was called upon for her session.
 Mrs. Rachael Ariori the MD of Manna House Confectionaries and a complete business woman was on ground to talk about STARTING UP a new business. Her central message was built around Prov 24:3 (Biblical Reference). Below are some of her key submissions:
a.    Never get into a business because someone else is into it, copying another person’s business is a quick way to business failure.
b.    It is important you have a BUSINESS PLAN to direct the course of your business.
c.    Do what you must (positively) to raise finance for your business; even if it means menial jobs.
d.    Stop looking or depending on the wealth of your relations near or far… make up your mind to MAKE YOUR OWN wealth.
e.    Learn to take advice from mentors and people that have gone ahead of you in your chosen field.
Following her thought provoking session, the winners of TREASURES IN EARTHEN VESSELS (TIEV) competition- Music Category; OASIS ACAPPELLA thrilled the participants with some mind blowing sounds. After which the third speaker was introduced.

Pst. Olugbenga Agbato is the CEO Good Shepherd Consult and a lover of youths. He began his session by stating the importance of the GOD FACTOR in every kind of business, according to him, without GOD in a business; no logical knowledge can make the difference. Below are some of his key submissions:
a.    We are all students of life and we are all students for life… Learning is an everlasting process.
b.    The four walls of the University is good, but your inability to go there doesn’t make you an automatic failure in life.
c.    There are different types of success… Pursue that of Joshua 1:8 (Biblical Reference)
d.    Everything you need to make it in life is around you… Look closely.
e.    Pride is a destroyer of destiny; you need to pay the price now so you don’t suffer later.
f.     It is important you know yourself, the more you know God, the more you know yourself.
Pst Agbato’s admonition was truly inspiring and mind challenging, and every participant knew that indeed it was time to make a difference.
As the event came to a close, the recent winner of WAP TV Comedy Talent Hunt MC Kephas, thrilled the participants with some thuggish theme jokes that sent many rolling on the floor with laughter.  A few more performances from two uniquely gifted acts and it was time to call it a day.

Mr. Michael Airhunuoje appreciated everyone for coming, as he announced that the next session of LIFE TARNSFORMERS ACADEMY would commence on Sat the 9th of November to Sat 30th of November. He encouraged every participant to get the form at #1,000 as that will enable them to a 50% discount on the tuition fee. For futherr details a contact number was given to the participants- 08171168742

For a fact BLOMM (The BUSINESS LESSONS OF MY MOTHER) was an event that will forever remain in the hearts of many.

Wednesday 9 October 2013

The Gathering Of Unique Business Minds

…the gathering of unique business minds…

At the point when you think they are about to relax, they spring up with something even better. In marking its  3rd Academic session which is to begin on the 9th of November 2013, Life Transformers Academy is organizing a one day business concert tagged “BUSINESS LESSONS OF MY MOTHER”(BLOMM); by 10am, On the 26th of October 2013 at Rose Of Sharon Parish, Agbara.
According to the Director of the Academy, Mr. Airhunuoje Michael; the need for financial education cannot be over emphasized judging from the high poverty rate in the country. He added that the Business Concert would serve as a pointer for young individuals who want to make money legitimately.
To make the event most captivating, the Academy has decided to infuse entertainment in the event; therefore participants should not just expect to increase their financial IQ, but be fully entertained also.
 This event promises to be one that will transform lives by saving young people from the shackles of poverty and penury.

                                                                                                              Don’t Miss it for anything!!!