Thursday 17 April 2014

4 Reasons Why P-Square Break Up May Never HAPPEN!


It is usually said that the most spread news is bad news… That may seem very true in the story of the Okoye brothers popular known as P-Square. For days, the whole of social media have been filled with various rumors, stories, and theories of the intending break up between the brothers; be that as it may, as juicy as it may sound, a break up between this two can’t be favorable to any person.  Here are a few reasons.
a.       BREAK UP IS NOT EASY: Talk is cheap, and when it comes to media, it’s even cheaper. Actions on the other hand are quite expensive. As much as they may have personal issues affecting their relationship at the moment, breaking up will in no way favor Peter, Paul or even Jude Okoye. The fact that majority of their wealth, properties and investments are collectively owned will make the process of complete break up more worrisome. We shouldn’t also forget that these Igbo guys who over time have shown how financially sound they are, will not want to easily let go of their hard earned cash all in the name of getting an outside lawyer to share their possessions. The P-Square we know don’t like their funds going outside their family.

b.      BLOOD IS THICKER THAN WATER: Although this adage has been over flogged, but it remains an eternal fact. Yes, they are mad at each other now, as guys, they can even afford to test their strengths with some physical encounter once in a while, but when tempers are down, and minds cool, they are still brothers… born from the same womb, sucked the same breasts, feeling the same pain of losing a mother and other things over the years. These are individuals, who struggled together, prayed together, slept together, hustled together, for decades just to become something in life; they are not just brothers, but twins that are closely knitted together in spirit and body… It’s not realistic for anyone to believe that a lady, who though is loved by one, will put an everlasting wedge on such a history. Haba! The greatest force on earth that has the power to thrash such a bond is Money. And luckily for these Igbo boys, money is NOT the center issue.

c.       THE SENTIMENTALITY OF THE 9JA FAN: The beauty of the Nigerian state is that the same measure of love given to an artist is the same measure of hatred accrued to them when they mess up. D’banj & Don Jazzy is a clear example of how Nigerians can easily fall in and out of love with its celebrity. Since the end of Mo’hits, both parties have been struggling to win the hearts of Nigerians back. Although Don Jazzy of MAVIN records is slowly gaining love and affection; the same cannot be said of D’banj the Koko Master. Another quick example is that of Banky W & Wizkid; the rumors of break up surfaced, but both parties were wise enough to know that a full out break up or split will affect them negatively. Crisis or not, one fact is that the Okoye brothers are not tired of producing music and neither are their fans ready to stop listening to them. Sticking together doesn’t just seem like the best move for the Okoye’s; it seems like their only sane move.

d.      NIGERIAN JOURNALIST CANNOT BE TRUSTED: The talk about Split Up, Break Up or Division may seem true, but we must quickly remember that the number one goal of Journalism is to provide information. Albeit in Nigeria, our desire is to provide anything that sounds/seems like what is appealing to the ears. Whether it’s accurate or not, our journalists are not concerned; their basic concern is driving traffic which in turn translates to money. It wouldn’t be out of place to say that the Nigerian media is taking full advantage of the celebrity status of these brothers by creating theories and assumptions that cannot be proven just to drive more traffic to their various channels.

PERSONALLY, I don’t think the P-square I have admired since the time of SENORITA will allow this DANGER push them into the TEMPTATION of saying GAME OVER. Even though E NO EASY, I want to keep hearing their IGBEDU FOREVER.

UPGRADE Yourself!!!


A wise man once said that “Its folly to keep doing the same thing over and over again, expecting the same result”.

Its year 2014 and its time for each individual to take full responsibility for his/her life; we cannot keep pushing the blame around. The buck stops here! We must make an effort to create a better life for ourselves.

From the 3rd to the 24th of May 2014, Life Transformers Academy, a one stop destination for youth development and societal change, would begin its Foundational Certificate Course tagged UPGRADE!

Being the 4th session since its inception in 2013, and its 1st in year 2014, UPGRADE has been positioned to help young individuals in various areas that affect the average Nigerian youths.

LTA UPGRADE promises to:
i.                     Help you discover your life purpose while directing you on steps to take in accomplishing it.
ii.                   Help you discover your talent or potential as well as show you ways you can make a living with them.
iii.                  Look at your relationships; and see how you can create more healthy relationships with yourself, your family, the opposite sex and your community at large.
iv.                 Examine your business/career and discover new ways by which you can make more profit as well as grow.
v.                   Consider your passion, and try to help you make a positive statement in your world.
vi.                 Evaluate your life and see how we can help increase the connection between you and your creator.

What you stand to benefit by attending LTA UPGRADE

a.    Each student of LTA will have the rare opportunity of being mentored by any facilitator of their choice.
b.      LTA Alumni are open to get soft loans from the Academy to aid students in the start up of their businesses or careers.
c.       LTA as an institution has cordial relationships with other excellent driven youth organizations; associating with LTA grants you favorable discounts with our partner organizations.
d.      Attending LTA increases the credibility of an individual thereby serving as an added advantage for job seekers.
e.      Having a conglomerate of intellectuals and creative brains in a particular place for a period of time avails participants of LTA the opportunity of networking and socializing with like minds and would be world changers.
f.        As an Alumni of LTA UPGRADE, you will have access to various resources materials; books, journals, videos and magazines.

This is an opportunity you wouldn’t want to miss!
Register for UPGRADE today by visiting or Send a text stating your Full Name, Age & Location to 234-817-1168-742.
For more info, Call 0817-1168-742 or follow us on twitter @ltanig

Tuesday 1 April 2014


From the roadside, I heard the baritone voice of Pastor Josiah Obazu as he led the congregation on some prayer points. I paid off the commercial motorcyclist who had just dropped me off and, after a quick glance at my belt and sparkling shoes, marched confidently to the church. I was accosted by an usher at the entrance. She was dressed in a red long-sleeved shirt which was firmly tucked in a white skirt. With a white tie around her neck and high heeled red shoes which illustrated her firm calves, she was every inch smart looking.
            ‘You are welcome, sir,’ she said in a sweet voice, flashing me a smile. ‘Please, follow me.’
‘Thank you, ma’am,’ I replied and followed like a sheep to the slaughter.
She led me to a seat in the front row, a row I had never sat in before. I didn’t argue with her; it was actually a vantage position for my plans. I sat down, closed my eyes, bowed my head and muttered some gibberish – feigning prayers. I opened my eyes and made sure to wear a big smile for effect as I sat up to see a lady from the choir go to the space between the congregation and the altar. She was holding a red capped microphone which she lifted to her lips with her left hand while raising her right above her head. She was dressed, like every other female member of the choir, in a black top and skirt with a gold coloured tie to match. The male choristers were in black suits with gold coloured shirts inside. They wore no ties. From my position, I could feel their egos emitting forth.
The lady shut her eyes and made a face like one about to purge. The pianist was already playing an intro and the drummer beating an accompaniment when she broke into a song.
That is why you are called Jehovah…
That is why you are called Jehovah…
What you say you will do…
I slyly smiled as I watched the congregation join her – some swaying like palm trees left at the mercy of the wind. The drama seemed funny to me – I who hadn’t been in any church for about ten years. So why the change of heart?


Would the Child You were be Proud of the ADULT you’ve become?
Where Will You be 5 years from today?
Are You satisfied with the Kind of Life you Living now?
These are questions you should answer and DO something about.
Life Transformers Academy has created a platform to help you answer these questions rightly. UPGRADE is a 4 week Foundational Certificate Course set to move young individuals from the place they are, to the place they should be.
We understand that there are challenges, but we also know that were challenges are, opportunities abound. Prepare to experience a complete revolution of your mind in these 4 weeks certificate course.

For Registeration:  
pls call 0817-1168-742 Now /
Follow on Twitter @LTANIG or