Sunday 24 June 2012

Our Government (pt 1)

The state of our Nation is gradually deteoriating, and it doesnt seem like the solution is closeby. As always, before any doctor in world treats an illment, He/She has to first diagonise the patient and understand the cause of the illness to know the cure.

There was a time in our Nigerian when attending a federal institution was an honour; individuals that studied abroad where seen as inferiors to the undergraduates at home. Hostel accomodations were sufficient, feeding was at a very affordable prize and Education was great. This led to the production of Nigerian graduates that were sound and able to stand tall with any other graduate of His class around the world. Well, these were the good old days. But funny enough, this is the same Nigeria, the same people with different religions, customs and traditions. Yet our numerous diversity did not prevent us from succeeding in our Educational sector- that Year. Things began to change gradually, when our government's faith in themeselves slowly depreciated. Our Government lost the confidence that they were strong enough to handle the task of meeting the challenges of a rising educational system. Our Government open the gates widely for selfish individuals to come in and acquire the right to own Educational Institutions. Education that is suppose to be the right of every single Nigerian, was placed on a table, and any person that had the ability to purchase, would purchase its own part. Rather than search for ways to curtail and improve on the various Federal/State institutions that have produced world class leaders in time past, Our Government transferred these minor challenges to wicked bourgeousis who will stop at nothing to rip this nation apart.

Yes, Cultism is prevalent in federal institutions, but lets ask ourselves a sincere question: who fuels the fire of cultism? Who transformed the honourable goals of secret cults founded by legends like Prof Wole Soyinka into a group of bloodtaking vipers? No one else but Our Government. Yes Prostitution is the order of the day for our girls in the Federal institutions, but the question is this? Do these girls go outside campus to sleep with themeselves or they go to sleep with men? The men that use financial rewards and material benefits to drag these students out of thier hostels at night are not ghosts or spirits, they are Officials of Our Government. We could go on and on listing various vices that are prevalent in our federal institutions, but the fact that your child has small pox on his body, is that enough justification to leave him for adoption? NO!. Have we forgotten so soon that ''WE are NIGERIANS?'' We never GIVE UP, we DON'T GIVE IN, we FIND a WAY.

We are constantly complaining about the high discrepancy between the rich and the poor, well, You shouldnt expect otherwise.

As at now, Our Government has collaborated with these selfish bourgoeusis in sucking this country down. The Federal allocation to federal institution is an apology, yet almost every top gun in the country has a University. From the religious leaders, to the economic gurus, they have seen an opportunity to rip the nation, and they are doing so with so much determination. Right now, if you are not Rich, your child may not be able to get quality Education. Can an average civil servant send HIS/HER ward to Convenant University, Madonna University, Babcock University, Redeemers University,The Bells University, Atiku University, Igbenedion University or any other private university? The most probable answer is a capital NO. Any leader or government that understands the huge role of Education in a society would not seat back and watch some few individuals deprieve young nigerians the ability to qualitative and quantitative Education.

Our Government... Save Our Education. Please, Biko, Ejor, Dan'Allah, Abeg.