Thursday 5 July 2012

Mama Mia

My mind is moving faster than my hands can type.

O! O! O! Woman... What can I say? How can I begin to describe this tale of mine?
In your eyez, there is compassion,
Your lips speak words that comfort the soul.
Your hands have done great works that make me wonder.
Where, when & how where you created?
You are so complete that I sometimes believe that an Angel is missing from heaven.
The sight of you leaves me with more questions than my head is able to answer.

How can I phantom the extent of your love? Since before life, you've loved me. I never knew that the word love had a meaning till I knew you.
Some years ago, I got to see you for the first time in my existence, and even though so many things were strange to me, I could understand what was in your heart.
Holding my little hands, kissing my cheeks & constantly wrapping me on your body; these were just expressions of your feelings towards me that couldn’t be spoken then.

I'm sorry over the years for not knowing your true worth, thinking you were just performing your natural responsibility

Thank God for giving me insight into what you are to me.
When I look back and see what you have done, it’s evident that my life would not be the same without you.
From this moment, my ears and heart would be kin to your words of wisdom like never before.

I greet you Mother.
I salute you for Loving me, even in/with my weakness.
I thank you for believing in me, even when I doubt myself.
God bless you for making me who I am.
Surely as the lord liveth, I'd give you my heart, my love, my body & my money.
Stay Blessed Mother,
Continually Pray for your child,
Sooner than later,
I'd give u a million & one reasons to be proud.

(If you want to be great, do your best to honour your Parents ''MOTHERS''. They can see your future.)

Klassique Integrated Concepts (Co-founder)

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