Thursday 6 September 2012

7th of SEPTEMBER (1 5:518. 5.2.458. 0.5. 3.5: 78.12:5)

 The longer we live, the closer we are to our end; A bitter fact that we all try to avoid in our thoughts. For me, reverse is the case. 7th of September would always be a day stuck in my head; not just because a Hero was born, but because I’d have to take out time and reflect on the way I’ve spent the time my creator has gifted me with. I’m I just counting days or I’m eye making the days count?

Waking up this day, I had to take a quick spin round my life; thought about my family, my colleagues in Nursery, Primary, Secondary, University and even Youth Service; of which you may belong to one).

 I remembered how it was though to be around people that are way older than me, and had to rest on my intelligence, witty jokes, pranks and yabbins to make them respect me. (lol). Back then I was too shy to tell people my age, I didn’t want them to look down on me, I felt that true respect comes with age. Now I know better sha.(E no means say I go tell u

I remember my secondary school days, when I’d play through the weekend and wake up by 5am on Monday morning to give my school uniform a quick-wash;  I’d wash it quickly, queeze it with towel, then hang it on a fan or Iron it with a wrapper ontop  (Lie say you no do am when u small )lol. Then on getting to school would quickly dub assignment from a friend…

It’s impossible to forget my first day as an Undergraduate in the Great University of Benin; it was truly fantabulous. Imagine me joining MAN O WAR club… after spending a night in the Jungle behind Ekosodin Village in Benin, nobody tell person to logout. I dismember myself from the group immediately.The term FRIENDSHIP was defined when I came in contact with Asenime Gregory, Oriahi Anderson and later on Rayhamen Owen… believe me; they are individuals with unique characteristics.  It’s also worthy to note that I personally understood what it means to be a Christian in the university. Coz, when you are faced with so much pressure and multiple choices to choose from; you’d discover you truly need divine guardians in your life.  My memory of love in school is a mixed one coz I can remember spending good & bad time in the “Love Gutter” a cool spot outside the girls hostel. Funny thing is that I had my heart broken and healed in that same  Leaving the school was a dream come true indeed; but if I were to go back to school again, UNIBEST… o! sorri Uniben would be my first and only choice.

Another interesting part of my existence is my journey to the OTHER side… I call it other coz its truly a zone different from this region. The basic thing we share is the National name and our love for Football. Serving in Sokoto was a challenge I embraced (not like I really had a choice sha…); getting to know their culture and way of life was an interesting discovering that i don’t think any book would be explain very well.  Yes before I forget, I got to hook up with a brother from different papa & mama… Christian Osondu a.ka. Kris2steps, believe me, this guy made sokoto fun for everyone.

Now I look at my life, and ask: Would the boy I was as a Child be proud of the Man I have become now?  Well, I’m sure he would be elated… not because I’m the best, but because God has elevated me to a point beyond my imagination.

To those out there that I must have erred; Please understand that I’m but mortal with a divine spirit; I sincerely apologize. Sorry for Breaking your heart; sorry for forgetting to call or text; sorry that I didn’t understand your point of view; sorry that I was too impatient to believe in you… Trust me friend I’m sorry. (The Best Birthday Gift you can give me is your FORGIVENESS)

To my friends I say THANK YOU; thank you for making me the man I am today… Hopefully as I grow older I’d be a better friend and brother.

To those who wish to see me fall or fail… I understand your plight; it’s not your fault. You have just submitted your body to be used like that of Pharaoh; so that God can show Himself strong in my life. I can promise you this sha… You will NOT die; but would live to see God’s glory manifest in my life.

Thinking about my future, I’m humbled; Because the destiny that awaits me is far bigger, larger and better that what I am now and I know I’d have to rely on divine guidance to achieve it.

My desire is that in less than a Decade from now; when the bells of 30’s come ringing; I’d stand up with courage, Pride and Humility saying to the world Thank You for making LordOfSwagg the Hope of African Youths.

My speech done too much joorr… make I go find cake chop joor… whether na Beans Cake or Moi Moi Cake; Cake na CAKe

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