Saturday 13 April 2013

The Three Mighty Men at DAYSTAR

As at 1:59 pm on the 13th of April 2013, my heart was ready, my mind was open; I was ready to be upgraded. Five minutes after, my story was different, I thought I was coming to attend a Media Business Program; but I was wrong! So WRONG!

Although I expected much; but when the first Speaker Mr. Chude Jideonwo came on the podium, THINGS Changed; I got and so much more than I could even ask or dream of. It was a pleasant surprise.

 Chude & Michael
In a very simple but precise manner, he explained the concept of New Media popularly known as Social Media.  After cautioning the participants about getting too excited about social media as its just as normal as any other means of expression; Mr. Chude went on to explain its significance for business & productivity. He explained that we must only engage in the New Media that is beneficial to our business or purpose; adding that we mustn’t be on every single social media in order to prove our relevance in the society.
Throughout his whole presentation, my ears were taking as much information in; there by giving my brain the herculean task of trying to express every vital point on paper through my pens.

As though that impartation was not enough, it was then the turn of Mr.Deolu Akinyemi.

Mr. Deolu introduced his presentation with a very witty but wise story of a Grand Mother and her sons. Believe me, the story is awesome (I go tell una another He went further to explain how you can get financial returns from your media presence.  For him, Having Value is a very important factor if you are to attract a large followership base online. His advice and suggestions on making money online just opened my eyes to the numerous opportunities that slip through our fingers every day.

At this point of my encounter at Daystar, I discovered I was not just in a SEMINAR, but a life changing gathering of mighty men. When I say mighty, don’t mistake me for the Goliath-kind of mighty. NO! I’m talking about the Mr. Japheth Omojuwa type of mighty.
Michael & Omojuwa

Mr. Omojuwa is the epitome of a man who knows WHO HE IS. His direct approach to the issue of social media evolvement in Nigeria wasn’t just a speech from books or journals, but a real life account of experiences he has had over time.  Watching this guy speak was not just inspiring, it was thought provoking; actually, his analyses and views really makes you hit yourself in the head and say “WHY DIDN’T I THINK OF IT THIS WAY BEFORE?”.

Cross Section of Participants at the program at Daystar

These great individuals have indeed infested my heart and planted a great seed of possibilities inside. If with little or nothing they can affect so much lives around the world; as well as build themselves into a sellable brand; then I know ONE day, you too can MAKE THE DIFFERENCE in this nation.

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