Friday 11 May 2012

The LordOfSwagg Show (Press Release)

Press Release

Title: The LordOfSwagg Show.
Concept: An Interactive Debate Talk show.
Topic: Which is better for our Nation, Public or Private Universities?
Date: 31st of March 2012.

The audience were comfortably seated, and the host LordOfSwagg was ready to set the show rolling. After a brief introduction of himself and the Debate topic, the Analysts were ushered to their seats with a warm round of applause. Without further delay, the Debate started.

Mr. Abiodun Odunuga, a fresh graduate from a private university, took his turn by listing the past and present benefits the Private Nigerian Universities have given to the educational sector in the last decade; while itemizing the failure of the public institutions too and their high level of ‘‘Illiterate Graduates’’ .
 However, Mr. Seun Gbanja, a graduate from one of the public universities was quick to respond by saying that Education is a primary responsibility of any government and that our past nationalist set up the various public institutions based on the great visions they had for this country. He did not fail to remind the audience that majority of the private institutions were just money making ventures that produce graduates that cannot fit into the practical Nigerian challenges.

The argument came to a climax when a member of the audience posed a tricky question to Mr Abiodun. She said: Is it right that our Ex president & Vp Open a private university after doing little or nothing to improve the public ones during their tenure?
After much argument, twists and turns; the host Airhunuoje O Michael a.k.a LordOfSwagg finally made a comment, according to him, both private & public institutions have their pros and cons. Private Universities take away your right to make a CHOICE, you are basically compelled to obey instructions that most times as an individual, you don’t believe in. HE says that a youth at age 18 that doesn’t know the difference between good & evil has a problem. For the Public institutions, he submits that ‘FREEDOM’ has led young individuals to do things that has changed their future negatively, the laisze faire attitude has attributed to the large decay in students- lecturer relationship which causes lecturers to extort from students as students threaten lecturers.

The way forward therein is for our society and students to understand that though your environment can affect your person, but it’s your RESPONSIBILITY to determine what you become in life.


ü  Education is a RIGHT not a PRIVILEDGE.
ü  No Nation can achieve GREATNESS with a weak Educational System.
ü  It’s the RESPONSIBILITY of the government to provide basic education while it is supported by individuals or organizations.
ü  Addition of theory & practical brings about complete education.
ü  Education is NOT restricted to the four walls of the UNIVERSITY.
ü  You are responsible for your FAILURE or SUCCESS In life; your place of learning can only aid you to the path you choose.
ü  Your daily CHOICES make a break your future.
ü  The NUC should implement policies & guidelines that would make university education whether private or public accessible to the average Nigerian.
ü  Our government rather than build more universities, should embark on a transformational project on the existing ones.
ü  Other tertiary institutions like polytechnics, monotechnics, colleges of education, e.t.c should be well financed and given more credibility.
ü  Parents should believe more in the inner abilities of their wards rather than persuading them to become what they don't wish to be.
ü  Our tertiary institutions should help us expound, develop & utilize our God-given potentials; NOT kill it.
ü  Having Certificate is not a direct GUARANTEE of a successful future.

Don't hesitate to join us live for the next show as we talk about something more interesting and exciting.

Yours in Trust.
L.O.S Team.