Thursday 26 July 2012


IamLordOfSwagg: TOP 10 WAYS TO FAIL AN INTERVIEW: TOP 10 WAYS TO FAIL AN INTERVIEW 1.       ARRIVE AT THE LOCATION LATE: If you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail. When you have...


    If you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail. When you have been scheduled for an interview, it is only right that you are at the venue at least thirty (30) mins to the said time.  You should arrange the clothes you are wearing a day before, and set everything you should before that D-day. If the journey takes one (1) hour averagely, you must leave home thirty (30) mins earlier than usual. This is to prevent traffic and unforeseen experience to be an ‘’Excuse ‘’ for you.
    Arriving at a venue late can also destabilize you mentally, making you unnecessary anxious and nervous.  Not to talk of the sweat that walking too fast may have caused on your body.
    An after effect of lesson one comes to play here. You are late, and the only thing on your mind is meeting up with THE BOSS, you are tempted to shout at the gateman if he is slow, or be rude to the receptionist if she seems to have an attitude problem. But you fail to understand that employers nowadays don’t just want to see your CV, in fact, most of them don’t really care. What they care about is the personality coming into their organization. You may be expecting to see one man with suit and glasses behind a desk as THE BOSS, but the BOSS may just be the young gateman outside you failed to say ‘‘Good morning’’ to. Peradventure you know the BOSS facial, don’t forget that you don’t know who may be interviewing you… neither can you totally predict the format of the interview. To be on the safe side, LEARN RESPECT. Not because of a person’s position or age, but because every human being DESERVES RESPECT.
    If you are not informed, you are definitely deformed… although it may not be physically, but it would be obvious during the interview. With the craze for job in the country, we find it difficult to read about the organizations. What we just do is see an opening, send our cv’s and once invited, you zoom of for an interview. But a quick question: What answers are you going to give when you have no idea of the questions you would be asked? It is of utmost importance that you find out as much as you can about an organization before you attend any interview. Knowing the organization beforehand, makes it easier for you to understand the role you can fill there.  It’s a sign to the examiners that this person is NOT just interested in getting ‘A JOB’ but passionate about working WITH US.
    Please bro/sis what did they ask you? Why on earth should you carry that university co-operation attitude to a workplace? The Examiner must have told the person not to reveal the content of their discussion or interview, yet he/she goes out and begins to discuss. Would the response really change anything about YOUR own interview? Doing that would simply destabilize your mind. This is because, subconsciously, you would be expecting the same line of questions too; when the Examiner asks a different question, you are lost. And even if the examiner asks the same question, there is a huge possibility that you would give the SAME answer the last candidate gave, making you all the SAME.  As long as you are there for your interview, you should be more concerned about yourself. Be social able, but don’t forget your reason for being there. If you prepare well, you would be confident in yourself and good to answer any question asked.
    You are a STAR and you are here not because you are jobless but because you just want a new experience… I hear! No matter WHO or WHAT you are or HAVE been, be as humble as you can when there. If you have other things that are important to do, do them and skip the interview. But if you decide to be present for it, make sure you are ready to wait. Patience is a virtue that is scarce in our today’s world. We are always in a hurry pursuing the wrong priorities. Looking at your watch constantly, your facial expressions and certain signs are enough to let the examiners understand that the job is a plan B not plan A.  At some occasions, Examiners deliberately delay individuals to see their reaction- and that may just be the whole interview.
    6.      DRESS TO KILL
    Except stated categorically, there is no reason why you should wear something that you are not comfortable in for an interview. It’s worrisome to see young individuals going out of their way in dressing for an interview. You know that you don’t have a suit., why would you go and borrow your elder bro’s coat and wear for an interview? Who do you really think you’d look like? As a lady, you wear high heels that you have to holding a walking stick to move comfortably on them in the name of an interview… Who are you really deceiving? Please, Corporate Dressing does not mean Suit! Wearing a simple well pressed shirt tucked in on a neatly pressed trousers and a tie is corporate already. Except you are closely close to the ground, why stress yourself with heels as a lady. A nice skirt and shirt would easily qualify for corporate dressing. If you have a good understanding of the organization you are going to, you’d definitely know what is right to put on. Seductive dressing was an added advantage for ladies back in the days; but now, doing that would clearing send signals that you are not what the organization needs.
    By nature, we tend to draw close to individuals that have the ability to aid us in the actualization of our goals, however, without a clear borderline; this could be a terrible idea. If you are fortunate to meet an examiner that is cheerful and nice, be careful not to forget your real goal. Many individuals especially young girls have been victim of this act. They get too close to one of the examiners and most times offer their bodies to them for special favors; but reverse is mostly the case. They are used, dumped and forgotten without getting anything in return. This is because; NO real BOSS would bring a Cheap Girl into his organization for business purposes, except that’s his BUSINESS. Even if the examiner is some way related to you, ensure you don’t cross the professional divide in your conversation. Do your best to share only information that concerns your job description in the organization.
    Following the previous point is the temptation to show that you are smarter than your Examiner. Some people rather than answer questions asked, proceed to helping the examiner rephrase a questioned that was been asked. You must remember that there is NEVER a wrong question but a WRONG answer. If a question seems incorrect in your perspective, answer politely from your level of understanding and stop. In a situation where there is no straight answer to it, evade it. Proverbs, Idioms and Short stories are unique ways of evading implicating questions. 
    Don’t forget to express you total disappointment or show your full confidence when the interview goes against or for you favour. No matter the outcome of the interview, you must be cool enough to handle it maturely. This is because; sometimes the real interview is after the first interview.  Don’t be so open to let the examiners see that you are filled with assurance of qualification, in reality, this makes the examiner feel like an easy nut to crack… nobody wants to look cheap (especially the BOSS.) On the other hand, if it doesn’t seem like you did well, don’t look so gloomy like a loser. If a BOSS is to reconsider, he/she definitely would not go for someone who gives up easily. Learn to be thankful for the Interview Experience and believe that even though you are not selected, you have learnt something you never knew before. Over Excitement and Moody faces have change the fates of many individuals that attended an interview.
    That moment when as you are about entering the BOSS office, he/she receives a call about the loss of his/her child; or the person before you insulted the Examiner and you are next to go in when he is still vexed. Believe me; it would take divine intervention for you to receive a positive response. No matter your religion, you need a touch of the supernatural to make sure that forces of nature don’t move against your cause. Our world is spiritual and if you are not strong, no matter the level of your preparations and intelligence, you will fail. Certain individuals go for an interview and before anything else; they are just liked by the Examiner on first sight… May that be your portion IJN (but you must pray well sha).
    I trust that with these few points of mine, you will become your own boss one day or better still, remain a Jobless youth. Lol. Pls Share to Friends/Foe.

Monday 16 July 2012

Are we Normal? ¿Lamron ew era

Are we Normal?
¿Lamron ew era

* Nigerian Police is supposed to fight corruption... Yet they are among the most corrupt in the world.
* Nigerian Eduacation is supposed to make us useful in the society... Yet Nigerian Graduates are jobless on the streets.
* Judges are supposed to uphold the truth and justice of the land... Yet Nigerian Judges are being Judged by the Government.
* Our pastors are supposed to provide, shelter and feed the lost sheep in the country... Yet in Nigeria, the lost sheep feeds, cloth and provide for dem pastors.
* Our celebrities & stars are suppose to show the ability and sanity of a true Nigerian... Yet, they are the ones that introduce us and our young ones to non-nigerian values (premarital sex, smoking, nude dressing,)
* Senators & Representatives are suppose to Represent our National Interest, yet they are only concerned about representing themselves and their families.
To the Youths:
Seeing this madness happening in your generation, you can either think of ways to make naija better in your own way, or Ignore these signs and say: It aint ma biz.
Years from now, your unborn children would either Bless You for your Heroics or Curse You for your Cowardice.
Don't just be alive, Live with a Purpose.

Thursday 5 July 2012


A certain story:

A young man was told by his father to build a house.

The guy went about actively, taking funds from his father and doing everything possible to see that the building was completed.

After a period of time, the house was completed. He took the Bunch of Keys and said: Take dad, I these are the keys to your house. The dad looked at him and said: Son, take the keys… The House is YOURS. It’s my Final Gift for you.

The young man fell on the ground and begins to cry.

He cried not because he was overjoyed. The young man cried because he used Cheap & inferior materials in building the House; with thinking that he was a smart guy making good money from his father.

HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY. Ref. James ch 1 vs 21-25; 1st John ch 1 vs 5-10; 1st Sam 15: 10; Acts ch 5:1.

God’s word does not lie, and no matter how hard we try to bend it or shake it, it stands true. Nowadays people use the term ”Born again Christian”. It is supposed to mean Christians that are in right standing with God i.e. Christians that are righteous in the sight of God. However, that term would be irrelevant if we truly abide by God’s word & Standard. A Christian is a person who believes that Christ came to the world to save him, and accepts this salvation of love. We should learn to live and act in this definition. When we do, it would reflect in our way of life.

With the kind of society we find ourselves, we are tempted daily to want to trust in our own wisdom and cleverness. In other to survive, we lie, cheat and take advantage of people all to make a little more (money, fame or power). This is Wrong.

Selling inferior products at the price of the Original is wrong. Changing financial estimates, reports & stuff in other to get more returns is wrong. Cheating in Order to pass an exam is wrong.

So many of us have been so corrupted with this seed such; that people don’t believe words that come out from our mouths anymore.

When we fail to be honest to ourselves, we find it difficult to be honest with/to others; how can we then be honest with God?

Some facts you should know:

* The only person a dishonest person really cheats is himself.

* When you are NOT honest in life, things get harder for you.

* The more we do the wrong things, the more we lose the sense of difference between good and evil.

* In life, if you do the ‘hard’ stuffs first, things tend to get easier from there.

* Why we act Dishonest?

Our Struggle for Survival- There is always a positive option friend.

Scared of Pain/Punishment – If you sleep in the Pillow of Comfort at your early stage, the foam of pain is waiting for you in your latter stage.

Search for Approval- Saul’s search for d people’s approval made him dishonest with God, Causing him the loss of his crown.

NB: When we learn to be honest in the simple things of life, we can then be honest with people around us and God. The growth of a nation is dependent on the sincerity of the people in it. Pls remember. A House (mansion, edifice) that is built on a sandy foundation cannot last long.

Have a Lovely week.

Yours in Trust.


A certain story:

A young man was told by his father to build a house.

The guy went about actively, taking funds from his father and doing everything possible to see that the building was completed.

After a period of time, the house was completed. He took the Bunch of Keys and said: Take dad, I these are the keys to your house. The dad looked at him and said: Son, take the keys… The House is YOURS. It’s my Final Gift for you.

The young man fell on the ground and begins to cry.

He cried not because he was overjoyed. The young man cried because he used Cheap & inferior materials in building the House; with thinking that he was a smart guy making good money from his father.

HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY. Ref. James ch 1 vs 21-25; 1st John ch 1 vs 5-10; 1st Sam 15: 10; Acts ch 5:1.

God’s word does not lie, and no matter how hard we try to bend it or shake it, it stands true. Nowadays people use the term ”Born again Christian”. It is supposed to mean Christians that are in right standing with God i.e. Christians that are righteous in the sight of God. However, that term would be irrelevant if we truly abide by God’s word & Standard. A Christian is a person who believes that Christ came to the world to save him, and accepts this salvation of love. We should learn to live and act in this definition. When we do, it would reflect in our way of life.

With the kind of society we find ourselves, we are tempted daily to want to trust in our own wisdom and cleverness. In other to survive, we lie, cheat and take advantage of people all to make a little more (money, fame or power). This is Wrong.

Selling inferior products at the price of the Original is wrong. Changing financial estimates, reports & stuff in other to get more returns is wrong. Cheating in Order to pass an exam is wrong.

So many of us have been so corrupted with this seed such; that people don’t believe words that come out from our mouths anymore.

When we fail to be honest to ourselves, we find it difficult to be honest with/to others; how can we then be honest with God?

Some facts you should know:

* The only person a dishonest person really cheats is himself.

* When you are NOT honest in life, things get harder for you.

* The more we do the wrong things, the more we lose the sense of difference between good and evil.

* In life, if you do the ‘hard’ stuffs first, things tend to get easier from there.

* Why we act Dishonest?

Our Struggle for Survival- There is always a positive option friend.

Scared of Pain/Punishment – If you sleep in the Pillow of Comfort at your early stage, the foam of pain is waiting for you in your latter stage.

Search for Approval- Saul’s search for d people’s approval made him dishonest with God, Causing him the loss of his crown.

NB: When we learn to be honest in the simple things of life, we can then be honest with people around us and God. The growth of a nation is dependent on the sincerity of the people in it. Pls remember. A House (mansion, edifice) that is built on a sandy foundation cannot last long.

Have a Lovely week.

Yours in Trust.




A certain story:

A young man was told by his father to build a house.

The guy went about actively, taking funds from his father and doing everything possible to see that the building was completed.

After a period of time, the house was completed. He took the Bunch of Keys and said: Take dad, I these are the keys to your house. The dad looked at him and said: Son, take the keys… The House is YOURS. It’s my Final Gift for you.

The young man fell on the ground and begins to cry.

He cried not because he was overjoyed. The young man cried because he used Cheap & inferior materials in building the House; with thinking that he was a smart guy making good money from his father.

HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY. Ref. James ch 1 vs 21-25; 1st John ch 1 vs 5-10; 1st Sam 15: 10; Acts ch 5:1.

God’s word does not lie, and no matter how hard we try to bend it or shake it, it stands true. Nowadays people use the term ”Born again Christian”. It is supposed to mean Christians that are in right standing with God i.e. Christians that are righteous in the sight of God. However, that term would be irrelevant if we truly abide by God’s word & Standard. A Christian is a person who believes that Christ came to the world to save him, and accepts this salvation of love. We should learn to live and act in this definition. When we do, it would reflect in our way of life.

With the kind of society we find ourselves, we are tempted daily to want to trust in our own wisdom and cleverness. In other to survive, we lie, cheat and take advantage of people all to make a little more (money, fame or power). This is Wrong.

Selling inferior products at the price of the Original is wrong. Changing financial estimates, reports & stuff in other to get more returns is wrong. Cheating in Order to pass an exam is wrong.

So many of us have been so corrupted with this seed such; that people don’t believe words that come out from our mouths anymore.

When we fail to be honest to ourselves, we find it difficult to be honest with/to others; how can we then be honest with God?

Some facts you should know:

* The only person a dishonest person really cheats is himself.

* When you are NOT honest in life, things get harder for you.

* The more we do the wrong things, the more we lose the sense of difference between good and evil.

* In life, if you do the ‘hard’ stuffs first, things tend to get easier from there.

* Why we act Dishonest?

Our Struggle for Survival- There is always a positive option friend.

Scared of Pain/Punishment – If you sleep in the Pillow of Comfort at your early stage, the foam of pain is waiting for you in your latter stage.

Search for Approval- Saul’s search for d people’s approval made him dishonest with God, Causing him the loss of his crown.

NB: When we learn to be honest in the simple things of life, we can then be honest with people around us and God. The growth of a nation is dependent on the sincerity of the people in it. Pls remember. A House (mansion, edifice) that is built on a sandy foundation cannot last long.

Have a Lovely week.

Yours in Trust.



Mama Mia

My mind is moving faster than my hands can type.

O! O! O! Woman... What can I say? How can I begin to describe this tale of mine?
In your eyez, there is compassion,
Your lips speak words that comfort the soul.
Your hands have done great works that make me wonder.
Where, when & how where you created?
You are so complete that I sometimes believe that an Angel is missing from heaven.
The sight of you leaves me with more questions than my head is able to answer.

How can I phantom the extent of your love? Since before life, you've loved me. I never knew that the word love had a meaning till I knew you.
Some years ago, I got to see you for the first time in my existence, and even though so many things were strange to me, I could understand what was in your heart.
Holding my little hands, kissing my cheeks & constantly wrapping me on your body; these were just expressions of your feelings towards me that couldn’t be spoken then.

I'm sorry over the years for not knowing your true worth, thinking you were just performing your natural responsibility

Thank God for giving me insight into what you are to me.
When I look back and see what you have done, it’s evident that my life would not be the same without you.
From this moment, my ears and heart would be kin to your words of wisdom like never before.

I greet you Mother.
I salute you for Loving me, even in/with my weakness.
I thank you for believing in me, even when I doubt myself.
God bless you for making me who I am.
Surely as the lord liveth, I'd give you my heart, my love, my body & my money.
Stay Blessed Mother,
Continually Pray for your child,
Sooner than later,
I'd give u a million & one reasons to be proud.

(If you want to be great, do your best to honour your Parents ''MOTHERS''. They can see your future.)

Klassique Integrated Concepts (Co-founder)