Saturday 17 November 2012

THE AFRICAN HOME (Dating! Marriage! & Family!)

Dating! Marriage! & Family!

I love you; you love me, the next thing… We are in love! Who tell you? Recently, I was chatting with a girl who told me that she is not ready to be with any guy that was not ready for marriage. I asked her, how old are you? She replied 18 and immediately I shook my head in dismay.

Our world is, moving so fast and we are gradually losing our ability to use our common sense, especially in relationships. How can you know a guy or girl that is ready to settle down without spending time with such a person? Haven’t you noticed that it’s the girls who seem to be most careful in their selection that turns out to be in a non-functioning relationship? This is because the more you think you know about relationship the less you truly know.

Yes, I’ve not forgotten my key topic which is the African Home, but we must begin to correct foundational errors if we are to hope for a better home in the future.

As humans we are created to need somebody, that's why YOU are not alone in this world, hence the term RELATIONSHIP. The kind of relationship we have with our family, friends, colleagues, neighbors and even enemies determine how happy we would be in life. That's why at every point in time; we must review our relationships to know which is beneficial to us or parasitic to our well being.
That said; let’s talk about the everyday “Boy like Girl, Girl like Boy” relationship (for now sha). There are certain things we need to straighten up if we are to enjoy a lasting and fulfilled relationship.


Cinderella, Pocahontas, Barbie, and Snow White… bla bla blah… these are all fairytales. Don't always expect your story to start or end up like theirs. Face the real life and live in the present. There are certain relationships that are never planned for, some even start with both parties antagonizing each other, only for them to later realize that that is their means of showing affection. Learn to appreciate people for who they are. An individual may have so many attributes you don’t like; but sometimes, the one little thing he is good at may just be the key to your lifetime happiness. The dream person may be perfect in the dream, but in reality, you'd discover that his/her perfection makes you feel imperfect in all you do.  It's good to aim for perfection in all you do, but never forget that no one is perfect but God.

 To be continued...

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