Thursday 28 February 2013

The LordOfSwagg Show: REFLECTIONS

The LordOfSwagg Show: REFLECTIONS: Welcome to a New Month! Congratulations to all the living. So many people have left this world in recent times; YOUR ability to read this me...


Welcome to a New Month! Congratulations to all the living. So many people have left this world in recent times; YOUR ability to read this means that you are still alive.(Obviously).

 As we enter the 3rd Month of the New year, its important we take out time to give ourselves a SELF APPRAISAL. It is important to know how well or how bad we are doing so we can improve.

Most of us made NEW YEAR resolutions , that we broke few weeks into the month of Feb, but in life, we always have a second chance.

I celebrate with everyone today, I thank God that most of my close friends, family and associates are in good health. Its indeed a Miracle.

Take  time from your busy schedule, review your plans, your commitments, your projects and every thing you are involved in. There is still space and time to do  better.

Airhunuoje O Michael (LordOfSwagg)

Monday 25 February 2013

Are We Normal prt2?

Certain things have pushed me to ask this Question again “ARE WE NORMAL”

·         We say we are developing yet a whole community will collectively partake in JUNGLE Justice killing of Innocent Youths?

·         Our governors travel out of the country for weeks without anyone having any idea of where they are or when they would be back.

·         Our First Lady Travelled out of the country secretly, spends weeks doing secret things, only to come back to say she was dead for 7days.

·         Our musicians now do videos that a four year old cannot watch freely; coz of the erotic scenes in them.

·         Thank God the Super Eagles Won the Nations Cup. But why should our failed government politicize it by giving them over rated gifts just to make Nigerians like their Failed Government?

·          We house the future protectors of the Law (Police) in a place not befitting for poultry chickens and expect them to enforce the law with integrity.

·         Political thieves are sentenced to 2years in prison for stealing billions, while a young man that stills a blackberry bold 1 in sentenced to 10years imprisonment .

·         Young children are now coming out with little girls they call their GF’s just coz they are STARS we seem to admire it.

·         We celebrate young men who have Children outside wedlock just because they are so called CELEBRITIES.

·         We rush to attend events where the Special Guests are individuals that promote indecent dressing, premarital sex and every form of social vice we all complain of as a society.

·         We push to increase our online presence/status when in reality we are nothing to write home about in reality.

·         At age 3, 4, 5, we encourage our daughters to wear skimpy dresses, use attachments, and even make-up and expect that at age 19 she should still be a Virgin.

Thursday 7 February 2013

DiE HaRd

There’s this thing about life, it’s a mystery … at least to those that want it to be. As a curious individual, I always sought to know the WHY of many things.

Before now, you’d have to wait till age forty in order to determine If an individual can still succeed or fail in life, however, as things stand now, one can easily know the fate of a fifteen year old.

The system we find around us makes it easy for us to know that a child not born with a silver spoon in this generation must do the extra ordinary if he is to ever eat with a spoon in his life.

To survive in the present day Nigeria is a case, to succeed is another chapter on its own.  How can we survive in this nation? How can a young man or woman be self-sufficient in an economy like ours? I would really not waste my time mentioning the endless list of problems facing this country, rather I’d like to spend that time suggesting ways we can bring them down.

The basic ingredient the Nigerian youth must have flowing in his/her bloodstream is a “DieHaRd MindSet”  
It’s a mindset that let’s you sup in your inside. When this DiE HaRd mindset is fully activated in your body, you gradually begin to discover that you are becoming smarter, stronger and faster than before.

Many young people are searching for various ways to survive, looking for jobs, opportunities or support to build their careers; the painful part is this: NOBODY wants to help a WEAK mind. There are NO JOBS for JOB-SEEKERS; only for PEOPLE TO MAKE A MOVE.

 To place yourself in the position you truly desire, you must first STOP looking OUTSIDE and concentrate on your INSIDE. There is something inside you that needs to come out, but the laziness of our PHYSICAL body would never let it. Yes Witches and Wizards may exists, but the biggest battle everyman should fight is the battle against your PHYSICAL body. 

The Physical body is weak, quick to surrender, always settling for the shortest escape route, constantly searching for excuses and looking for people to blame. As huge, as it looks, your Physical body has little or nothing to contribute to your success, however if you let it, it can successfully make you a failure in life. A person that can overcome the Physical body can win in any area of life.

As a matter of urgency, this generation must begin to concentrate more on building their DiE HaRd mentality. Read the stories of individuals that have excelled in your field or area of interest; make friends with people like you that want a change in life, Spend resources attending seminars, conferences and social events that you believe your KIND of people would be present in.

Understand this for a fact: When you hear IMPOSSIBILITY IS NOTHING! It Means NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE!

Let this fact wake you from your sleep everyday…
Let it inspire you to try again, even if you have failed 10 times…
Let this fact make you feel like you are  Bruce Willies or Jack Baeur that never dies in a movie...
Let this fact inspire you to know that there is a DiE HaRd Spirit in you that wants to make you a STAR

AIrhunuoje O Michael