Monday 25 February 2013

Are We Normal prt2?

Certain things have pushed me to ask this Question again “ARE WE NORMAL”

·         We say we are developing yet a whole community will collectively partake in JUNGLE Justice killing of Innocent Youths?

·         Our governors travel out of the country for weeks without anyone having any idea of where they are or when they would be back.

·         Our First Lady Travelled out of the country secretly, spends weeks doing secret things, only to come back to say she was dead for 7days.

·         Our musicians now do videos that a four year old cannot watch freely; coz of the erotic scenes in them.

·         Thank God the Super Eagles Won the Nations Cup. But why should our failed government politicize it by giving them over rated gifts just to make Nigerians like their Failed Government?

·          We house the future protectors of the Law (Police) in a place not befitting for poultry chickens and expect them to enforce the law with integrity.

·         Political thieves are sentenced to 2years in prison for stealing billions, while a young man that stills a blackberry bold 1 in sentenced to 10years imprisonment .

·         Young children are now coming out with little girls they call their GF’s just coz they are STARS we seem to admire it.

·         We celebrate young men who have Children outside wedlock just because they are so called CELEBRITIES.

·         We rush to attend events where the Special Guests are individuals that promote indecent dressing, premarital sex and every form of social vice we all complain of as a society.

·         We push to increase our online presence/status when in reality we are nothing to write home about in reality.

·         At age 3, 4, 5, we encourage our daughters to wear skimpy dresses, use attachments, and even make-up and expect that at age 19 she should still be a Virgin.

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