Thursday 28 February 2013


Welcome to a New Month! Congratulations to all the living. So many people have left this world in recent times; YOUR ability to read this means that you are still alive.(Obviously).

 As we enter the 3rd Month of the New year, its important we take out time to give ourselves a SELF APPRAISAL. It is important to know how well or how bad we are doing so we can improve.

Most of us made NEW YEAR resolutions , that we broke few weeks into the month of Feb, but in life, we always have a second chance.

I celebrate with everyone today, I thank God that most of my close friends, family and associates are in good health. Its indeed a Miracle.

Take  time from your busy schedule, review your plans, your commitments, your projects and every thing you are involved in. There is still space and time to do  better.

Airhunuoje O Michael (LordOfSwagg)

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