Wednesday 22 August 2012


What is the purpose of life if not to leave the world in a better state than you met it?

In this year alone, so many lives have been lost as a result of the selfishness of some individuals who crave for more wealth & power. We may not understand the value of the human live until someone close to you is gone(God forbid).

Can you count the number of souls that have been lost as a result of ''accidental discharge'' by men of the Nigerian police force who want ''egunje'' N20 from motorist on our roads; can you estimate the number of lives that have been taken in the beautiful city of JOS as a result of the ''GodknowsWhat'' crisis that have been happening there; what about the ''Boko Haram'' killings in BAUCHI that has its origin in from thin-air; we've not even talked about people that are sick in the hospitals, yet doctors go and strike because they have not been paid thier salaries.

The crime rate in this country has increased so much that a citizen can be robbed anywhere; be it in your house, office, market, school even on the road. Do we need a prophet to tell us that we are suffering as a Nation? Do we need the white man to tell us that our children's future is being cloudded with evil by the day. Are we not tired of being Blind?

Our parents led a life where they kept silient with the hope that our success would bring salvation to them. The truth is that we have failed them. We have let the greed that flows through the blood of some individuals touch us. Most of us, are no longer concerned about anything else but how to acquire wealth, houses, cars & all the luxuries of life. No one is really concerned about how his/her actions would make the society a better one.

Its funny & silly coz, the more we try to acquire, the more we lose the little we have. Nigerians are poor not because we cant be rich, but because we are just concerned about what we can gain from this earth. Mother nature does not support such a cause. Some people and generations would remain poor until they break themeselves free form this curse.

Have you ever seen yourself as a Nigerian, as a Leader... When you love something, you do your best to make it healthy, whole & strong. In turn, you would receive the same measure.

Have you ever tried to speak up for an oppressed person; have you tried to defend that young man who is being wrongly accused of theft; have you tried to question that young man who throws pure water nylon on the floor; have you ever tried to say NO to blocking; just make a little effort to be bold; make a little effort to ask why; make a little effort to say NO; no matter how small your action is, its a fire of CHANGE you are starting... Remember, you are never alone.

The holy scriptures say:''whatsoever you sow, you shall reap''.
My friends, be careful of the seeds you sow today; coz tomorrow you are going to reap the same.


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