Sunday 25 November 2012


The LordOfSwagg Show: WHAT IS WRONG WITH US? NIGERIAN PASTORS & PRIVATE ...: WHAT IS WRONG WITH US? NIGERIAN PASTORS & PRIVATE JET? After all said and done; the TRUTH is only a reflection of our viewpoint or should ...



After all said and done; the TRUTH is only a reflection of our viewpoint or should I say point of view:
I will speak as a Nigerian, a Child of God and a Human being. Here is my submission:
• God is The Owner of The Church; Pastors, Bishops, Go’s and any other title are just men privilege with the task of managing it.- They MUST never forget that.
• True Leaders are people that give to the society not take from it… Whether in the form of tithe, offerings, taxes or levies.
• The house of God is NOT a company or the Government; it is a place of comfort and true love.
• In a country like ours where are political leaders have no clue to what leadership is about, our religious leaders should brace up to the challenge and show them that true leadership is about selflessness and community.
• Trying to form “CLASS” is simply worldly and materialistic as far as I am concerned.
• It’s a shame for our religious leaders to live in affluence when majority of their members live in abject poverty… It’s an insult to humanity.
• Elijah as a friend of the King helped the Israel nation in defeating her enemy; religious leaders can also help our own government by providing jobs, free education or other some other stuffs to the Nigerian society.
• It is wrong and absurd that a church would want to be Prosperous on its own & not concerned about the general development of the country.
• How do we expect the corrupt political leaders to be accountable to us, when the Religious leaders are not?
• Pastors should be more than just spiritual leaders… they should set the right path for everyone to follow.
Conclusively… Let’s not forget that it s not everyone that was called, that was finally chosen. Many are just using the “CHURCH” to defraud the innocent; a wise philosopher once said: “Religion Is the Opium of the people” maybe he thought of Nigeria
Yeah yeah… Hate me or Love me… The Truth is BITTER… IamLordOfSwagg

Thursday 22 November 2012

THE AFRICAN HOME Dating! Marriage! & Family! (part 2)

Continued from Part 1:


Don’t know the amount of relationship books you’ve read in time past, but know this for certain… The place of TIME cannot be substituted for anything in a relationship. The essence of relationship is to understand an individual properly. From the outside, you may have a hunch about someone’s personality or character, but until you get closer to such person, you may never know for certain who that person is or can be? Never be in a hurry to conclude about a person because as humans we can be very deceptive (especially guyz*I’m an exception sha, ask Yvonne Nelson*).
The Europeans we are trying to copy hardly have a functioning relationship because they are too quick to love. Remember that the quicker you fall in love, the quicker it is to also fall out of love.


Yes! I’m still sain and I aint a flirt like R.kelly… This is an erroneous notion that most sharp badt guyz have used and are still using in taking advantage of ladies. A relationship is like attending secondary school, at the end of the day is NOT everybody that must enter the UNIVERSITY; some can go to colleges of education, polytechnics or other training institutions.
Dating as it is is a process of getting to understand somebody better… It’s a time to know if you are compatible with the individual you claim to love/like as the case may be. If that person turns out to be who you feel is perfect for you, Congrats n Thank your Stars. If the reverse is the case, be glad and grateful that you discovered the true persona of that person on time; definitely, there would be unique things about yourself that you must have discovered in the time you were together. The fact that you don’t fit with the person doesn’t mean the person is badt, it simply means that that person is not the RIGHT one for you. (Or would you rather get married to somebody that would treat you like trash, just because you’ve dated that person for years?)
Someone might quickly ask… So where is the place of LOVE when dating? Love has and will continually be complex term for those that spend most times watching Nigeria movies (no offence to NollyWood o!) ;  but it’s simple. The fact that you choose to get close to someone is a sign that you can love that person. Love comes in different form. Some people love immediately; however for others, it takes a period of time, anyway, no matter the kind of person you are when it comes to love, TIME is essence if any relationship must last.

Dating is an essential process that must not be traded with anything else, yet we must be matured to keep an open mind to it. An open mind simply means you are hoping for the best, but preparing for the worst.

to be continued...

Saturday 17 November 2012

The LordOfSwagg Show: THE AFRICAN HOME (Dating! Marriage! & Family!)

The LordOfSwagg Show: THE AFRICAN HOME (Dating! Marriage! & Family!): THE AFRICAN HOME Dating! Marriage! & Family! I love you; you love me, the next thing… We are in love! Who tell you? Recently, I was ...

THE AFRICAN HOME (Dating! Marriage! & Family!)

Dating! Marriage! & Family!

I love you; you love me, the next thing… We are in love! Who tell you? Recently, I was chatting with a girl who told me that she is not ready to be with any guy that was not ready for marriage. I asked her, how old are you? She replied 18 and immediately I shook my head in dismay.

Our world is, moving so fast and we are gradually losing our ability to use our common sense, especially in relationships. How can you know a guy or girl that is ready to settle down without spending time with such a person? Haven’t you noticed that it’s the girls who seem to be most careful in their selection that turns out to be in a non-functioning relationship? This is because the more you think you know about relationship the less you truly know.

Yes, I’ve not forgotten my key topic which is the African Home, but we must begin to correct foundational errors if we are to hope for a better home in the future.

As humans we are created to need somebody, that's why YOU are not alone in this world, hence the term RELATIONSHIP. The kind of relationship we have with our family, friends, colleagues, neighbors and even enemies determine how happy we would be in life. That's why at every point in time; we must review our relationships to know which is beneficial to us or parasitic to our well being.
That said; let’s talk about the everyday “Boy like Girl, Girl like Boy” relationship (for now sha). There are certain things we need to straighten up if we are to enjoy a lasting and fulfilled relationship.


Cinderella, Pocahontas, Barbie, and Snow White… bla bla blah… these are all fairytales. Don't always expect your story to start or end up like theirs. Face the real life and live in the present. There are certain relationships that are never planned for, some even start with both parties antagonizing each other, only for them to later realize that that is their means of showing affection. Learn to appreciate people for who they are. An individual may have so many attributes you don’t like; but sometimes, the one little thing he is good at may just be the key to your lifetime happiness. The dream person may be perfect in the dream, but in reality, you'd discover that his/her perfection makes you feel imperfect in all you do.  It's good to aim for perfection in all you do, but never forget that no one is perfect but God.

 To be continued...

Monday 22 October 2012

The LordOfSwagg Show: SOCIAL MEDIA

The LordOfSwagg Show: SOCIAL MEDIA: (SHARE IF THIS IS THE TRUTH) (LIKE IF ITS A LIE) SOCIAL MEDIA!!! Has Killed the Bond Of Friendship n turned many to Strangers. Given Us Mor...




Has Killed the Bond Of Friendship n turned many to Strangers.

Given Us More Friends n Yet Leave us Lonely in times of need.

Made us see many Celebrities as Idols, When in Truth they are turning us to Zombies n killing our future.

Turned us to Motivational Speakers, when we are yet to Motivate ourselves.

Made us loose touch of our true worth by confusing us that our number friends determines our real influence.

We hardly read notes in class, coz we deceive ourselves that google can provide us with everything we need...

18 rated Pics that should be buried in the closets are now the fastest way to get attention.

We really need to slow down n define ourselves... Otherwise when the Social Media is dead, we'd just remember how USELESS it has made our Lives.

Tuesday 9 October 2012



In biblical times, when the word GIANT is heard what we quickly think about is a huge person that has physical strength to do things an average person can’t do. However, in the twenty first century the term Giant has been redefined.

A coalition of different youth organizations have come together to raise GIANT ENTREPRENEURS for the 21st Century by organizing the 2nd edition of an Entrepreneurial Development Mentoring/ Training Program tagged “Business Management Conference 2012”a.k.a BMC 2012. Set to hold on Saturday the 13th of October 2012 at The Farm Centre Oko-Oba, Agege Lagos; from 10am

According to the organizers this edition is set to be far better than its maiden edition held in Adamawa last year. The goal of this conference is to give young entrepreneurs a practical knowledge on how to succeed in this present day Nigerian economic system.

The unique feature about this Conference is the fact that participants won’t just be inspired to succeed, but would have the rare privilege of interacting personally with successful professionals in their fields.
Among the Facilitators billed to enlighten the participants are:


Ayodele Aderinwale- Ignition (Africa Leadership Forum)
Johnson Abbaly- Management (Achiever's Consortium)
Tayo Olosunde- Branding (E-green services/Mind the Gap)
Prof. Abby Awosika-Fapetu- Finance (Oasis Education) USA  


Bunmi Davies – Show Biz (Afrotainment Productions)
MrGbengaSesan - ICT (Nigeria's first Information Technology Youth Ambassador)
FunkeBucknor-Obruthe - Event Management(Zapphaire Events)
Mr. Frank Osodi-Fashion (House of Bunor)
TosinBabajide- Waste Recycling(Broad Vision)
Miss: MosunmolaUmoru- Agriculture(prettyFarmer/Ministry of Agric.Lagos State)
Well, with great business tycoons coming to this event, it’s obvious you really wouldn’t want to miss out.
To participate, Log on to and Register for FREE. For further details call: 08051787296.

See you there!!!

Monday 10 September 2012

Is this real? 100 percent YES.  Scott Van Duzer a  Florida pizza shop owner gave The President Of The United States of America a big bear hug...
What do you think would happen if someone does the same to our President GEJ? Your guess is as good as mine.

Thursday 6 September 2012

7th of SEPTEMBER (1 5:518. 5.2.458. 0.5. 3.5: 78.12:5)

 The longer we live, the closer we are to our end; A bitter fact that we all try to avoid in our thoughts. For me, reverse is the case. 7th of September would always be a day stuck in my head; not just because a Hero was born, but because I’d have to take out time and reflect on the way I’ve spent the time my creator has gifted me with. I’m I just counting days or I’m eye making the days count?

Waking up this day, I had to take a quick spin round my life; thought about my family, my colleagues in Nursery, Primary, Secondary, University and even Youth Service; of which you may belong to one).

 I remembered how it was though to be around people that are way older than me, and had to rest on my intelligence, witty jokes, pranks and yabbins to make them respect me. (lol). Back then I was too shy to tell people my age, I didn’t want them to look down on me, I felt that true respect comes with age. Now I know better sha.(E no means say I go tell u

I remember my secondary school days, when I’d play through the weekend and wake up by 5am on Monday morning to give my school uniform a quick-wash;  I’d wash it quickly, queeze it with towel, then hang it on a fan or Iron it with a wrapper ontop  (Lie say you no do am when u small )lol. Then on getting to school would quickly dub assignment from a friend…

It’s impossible to forget my first day as an Undergraduate in the Great University of Benin; it was truly fantabulous. Imagine me joining MAN O WAR club… after spending a night in the Jungle behind Ekosodin Village in Benin, nobody tell person to logout. I dismember myself from the group immediately.The term FRIENDSHIP was defined when I came in contact with Asenime Gregory, Oriahi Anderson and later on Rayhamen Owen… believe me; they are individuals with unique characteristics.  It’s also worthy to note that I personally understood what it means to be a Christian in the university. Coz, when you are faced with so much pressure and multiple choices to choose from; you’d discover you truly need divine guardians in your life.  My memory of love in school is a mixed one coz I can remember spending good & bad time in the “Love Gutter” a cool spot outside the girls hostel. Funny thing is that I had my heart broken and healed in that same  Leaving the school was a dream come true indeed; but if I were to go back to school again, UNIBEST… o! sorri Uniben would be my first and only choice.

Another interesting part of my existence is my journey to the OTHER side… I call it other coz its truly a zone different from this region. The basic thing we share is the National name and our love for Football. Serving in Sokoto was a challenge I embraced (not like I really had a choice sha…); getting to know their culture and way of life was an interesting discovering that i don’t think any book would be explain very well.  Yes before I forget, I got to hook up with a brother from different papa & mama… Christian Osondu a.ka. Kris2steps, believe me, this guy made sokoto fun for everyone.

Now I look at my life, and ask: Would the boy I was as a Child be proud of the Man I have become now?  Well, I’m sure he would be elated… not because I’m the best, but because God has elevated me to a point beyond my imagination.

To those out there that I must have erred; Please understand that I’m but mortal with a divine spirit; I sincerely apologize. Sorry for Breaking your heart; sorry for forgetting to call or text; sorry that I didn’t understand your point of view; sorry that I was too impatient to believe in you… Trust me friend I’m sorry. (The Best Birthday Gift you can give me is your FORGIVENESS)

To my friends I say THANK YOU; thank you for making me the man I am today… Hopefully as I grow older I’d be a better friend and brother.

To those who wish to see me fall or fail… I understand your plight; it’s not your fault. You have just submitted your body to be used like that of Pharaoh; so that God can show Himself strong in my life. I can promise you this sha… You will NOT die; but would live to see God’s glory manifest in my life.

Thinking about my future, I’m humbled; Because the destiny that awaits me is far bigger, larger and better that what I am now and I know I’d have to rely on divine guidance to achieve it.

My desire is that in less than a Decade from now; when the bells of 30’s come ringing; I’d stand up with courage, Pride and Humility saying to the world Thank You for making LordOfSwagg the Hope of African Youths.

My speech done too much joorr… make I go find cake chop joor… whether na Beans Cake or Moi Moi Cake; Cake na CAKe


IamLordOfSwagg: A DESIGNED PLACE: A DESIGNED PLACE As funny as some questions may sound, if we don’t learn to ask ourselves and answer them, we would continue to lead ...


As funny as some questions may sound, if we don’t learn to ask ourselves and answer them, we would continue to lead a life of self deceit.
At every point in life, a new soul is added to the existing ones as; all over the world, babies are born per minute. To be born into this world was a struggle and to survive in it is another struggle on its own. Aside the struggle for survival by so many, there’s still something more accomplishing to desire-having a Designed place in this world.

We all have a place to fit-in in this place called life. If you are not fixed in your designed place, you’d definitely become a misfit somewhere else.  Permit me to notify you that your designed place should not be determined by your parents, community or nation but by your own efforts.
Some people have been victims of parents designing their place in life for them;  because a father is a Lawyer or Pastor doesn’t necessary mean that his son/ daughter should continue in that path. Any parent that pushes his ward in this direction is ultimately creating havoc in the society.

As a society, we ignorantly destroy the destiny of millions of people in the world by trying to draft their Place for them.  Most people believe only in the things they’ve seen succeeded; and become scared and uncomfortable when they see something different from the regular. This act just proves how shallow we can be in our thinking. How can we not know that each person is BORN DIFFERENT? Even identical twins have differences. I’m yet to see an existing government that has truly placed every individual in their designed placed. If they could, social vices would be a thing of the past.

The onus for discovering your pathway solely lies with YOU.  You must rise to the challenge yourself. This journey is definitely not going to be an easy one; its pose to be painful, stressful, frustrating and very long. But at the end; not just you but your unborn generations would be glad you embarked on it.

Here are a few points to note before you embark on the SELF DISCOVERY JOURNEY

Have you ever imagined yourself born generations before now? Possibly in the time of your grandfather, and then you and your grandfather may just be best of friends… Now think about this, YOU didn’t come here then, because you weren’t needed at that point in time. The world was not ready to receive you. The Challenges we face in our world now are far greater than those that have faced us years before this era. So, now is the time you are needed; that’s why you are here. People prayed for solution, and YOU were born; that’s not coincidence friend, it’s a plan. Don’t ever think you were born by mistake, that’s a Larouk Fawal Lie. The simple fact that you are alive and reading this article means that you are still part of the ultimate plan. It means that you are either occupying your designed place or you are yet to get there.

It would be total folly for an elephant to criticize a giraffe for having a long neck… for Christ’s sake, has the Elephant seen itself in a mirror? Don’t be a victim of this kind of folly; you must understand that you are uniquely different; there is NO MAN on earth that has monopoly of gifts, talents or potentials. Admire people that are gifted or talented in stuffs, but never wish to be like them, you can have them as your mentors (if they are in your field); but understand that you are still different. Many religious folks fail in this regard coz they think dressing, talking or walking like their mentors defines them; the painful truth is that they are killing their own potentials by the day. No matter how different you are, there are people who like you and what you have; don’t trade that special thing in you for the popular choice… Remember, what is common is not always special.

There are certain individuals that are enviable; they are multi-talented and blessed in more than one ways; the thing is that, being around such people can be pretty intimidating and in a way discouraging, but be contented with the little you have. I remember the first time I met Toyosi Akerele the founder of RISE in Benin City. She had organized a youth interactive session at Benson Idahosa University and there were several top nationals at the event.  Seeing the crowd at the auditorium and the impact made by the event, I felt bad… really bad.  I was like, why I dey bother myself to cause societal change in youths when a young lady like Toyosi has gone so far in transforming lives… after a while, I had to reset my thinking to understand that, she did not get to where she was in one day, but by constant effort and dedication to her cause.  I quickly transformed my thinking into that of a challenge for myself; I told myself, if she can do it, I can do better. It is important for us to be inspired by people that have gone ahead of us in our chosen field.

The things that can be seen with our physical eyes are by far the smallest things in life to behold. Houses, Cars, Cloths, Money are all material things that are just a glimpse of your true worth. There are thousands of individuals that have everything money can buy, but are yet to find their Designed Place; its gets so frustrating for them because, the more they try to buy happiness, the more it eludes them. You must understand that your Designed place may not give you all the money in the world, but its sure to lead you to the most influential people in the world. It would give you access to decision makers and can even transform you into a king-maker yourself.

·         IT WOULD BE FUN:
To some people, “I’m going to work” is an action that is carried out in its literary sense; to others it’s a term used to signify that they would be occupied doing something within a period of time. In the eyes of someone else, your Designed place may seem like a huge task, but to you it’s just a daily part of your set-up; it doesn’t wear you down.  Majority of our parents never understood these things… they are/were always working HARD! Sleeping by 11pm and Waking up 4pm every weekday; they are so proud of it that at times when we err, they use it as a reference point to explain what dedication is. My friends, with the way this country is going, if you continue on that path, you’d suffer from stroke at age 45 o! (God forbid). It’s normal to see a fish swim or a monkey jump from tree to tree; but I bet it would be absurd to see a monkey swimming; or a fish trying to climb a tree.  Find that thing you do with ease and when finished, comes out excellently. You’d live longer-Trust me.

Every person on earth is on an assignment, you can only get good results from life when you function in the place that has been designed for you long before your existence.

Food for thought: Imagine how the world would have been: 

Michael Jackson at Age two was forced to become a boxer…
Steve Jobs opted to be a fashion designer…
Muhammed Ali decided to become a Dancer…
Messi decided to be a banker…
Oprah opted to be a Visual Artist…
Hussain Bolt chose to be a mechanic…

We celebrate the people that have stayed in their designed place, are you in your designed place? Will you be celebrated years after you are gone from the world?

Airhunuoje O Michael (LordOfSwagg)

Wednesday 29 August 2012

IamLordOfSwagg: Beyond Sponsorship

IamLordOfSwagg: Beyond Sponsorship: Beyond Sponsorship Youths are the leaders of tomorrow; a fact well known by all and sundry.  The youths of this nation are especially v...

Beyond Sponsorship

Beyond Sponsorship

Youths are the leaders of tomorrow; a fact well known by all and sundry.  The youths of this nation are especially very talented and have a large possibility of changing the world. However, there seems to be a factor that prevents most African youths vis-viz Nigerian youth from actualizing their dreams. 

 As long as a Nation, Country, State, Community, Village, Family or Individual solely depends on the support of another to succeed, they will continually remain failures.
As an individual, having a talent or an idea is not enough; the fact is this, whether it’s a talent/potential or idea you have, you didn’t generate it yourself. It was implanted in you by God. That implant alone cannot guarantee your success in life.

At a stage in my life, I was Sponsorship/Aid driven. I was constantly looking out for people to see my talent/idea and invest or sponsor it. It became so frustrating for me at a point, when some family members began to raise eyebrows about my constant request for financial aids to pull through my projects.  After several years of drafting proposals of sponsorship and stuffs, I met a man called Bunmi Davies and was about to explain an idea to him; before I could explain further, he said “Please don’t tell me what you can do, Show me what you’ve done”.  At that time, I felt bitter inwardly; I was hoping he would just give me some amount of cash to assist me. Well, the Irony is that, the bitter/anger I felt, inspired me to do something.  I went back to my base, talked to a few friends, went to my church, spoke with the youth president and the youths in general and after about 2 months of planning, I was ready to bring my idea to reality.
When I was searching for sponsorship/financial assistance, the budget for the project was about two hundred and fifty thousand naira (N250, 000.00); this is because I wanted it to be of the best standard and seen as topnotch.  Albeit, after involving my old school mates, neighbors at home and a few volunteers, I was able to bring my idea into reality with just Fifty Thousand Naira (N50, 000.00) It was not as classy sha.

Most times, because of the fast paced world we are in today, we are tempted to impatient with life. We just want someone to like us and spend money on us; however, if you have not shown the world what you can do, nobody would invest a dime on you.
 Some weeks ago, a young guy met me, telling me about his desire to be a musician, explaining how good he is. I asked him, can I see your demo? He said: Bros, you see, I never see person wer go sponsor me to do my demo. The funny part of the encounter is that he was wearing some new fake (My Money Grows like Grass shirt) using BlackBerry (London use) and some silly blings . I was saddened when he made that statement. That young man has a football club he is supporting strongly, I can assume he buys their New Jersey every season and watches their matches weekly; let’s assume he has a young girl he calls girlfriend and stuffs like that…
My point is that, this guy claims to be a musician, but has no demo yet he spends the little money he has on trivial things, and is searching for sponsorship, abeg if na, u go answer am?
Sometimes, we feel some wealth fellas are wicked, selfish or harsh; my friends a few of them are not. They are just being smart and careful.  If you genuinely work for your money, you wouldn’t spend it on people that are not serious.

If you wait for sponsorship before you kick start your idea, you’d never start, and that idea would die a natural death (like farouk lawal ‘s case). It is never a crime to start small (but it’s a crime to remain small). An Aboki Kiosk has more potential than the greatest idea that remains in the head. Let go of your pride, ego; do what you have to do to start; once you are on the move, you’d discover that people will gradually associate with your/idea/talent/brand.

Here are some quick tips to help you make your idea a reality:

                       Your family, church/mosque, old School mates, and online friends; these are associations that you should cherish. This is because they will one day become your first clients, fans or costumers. Social network has made this very simple to do; take full advantage of it.
                       Learn to communicate your idea or vision. Pls note that many people would not agree with this, but it’s the truth. If you don’t share your ideas, you never can know who will help you. The same way the finger prints of twins are different, that’s the same way ideas are uniquely different.   No one can execute your idea is good as the originator.
                       Be a part of a deal you enjoy. Spending time on a project that you don’t love is as good as using N5000 naira note to buy Gala or La casera.
                     Why are you doing what you are doing? Do you wanna be famous so that dem go know say you don lannndd!!! Or you wanna play your part in making the world a better place. Your motive plays a very important part in determining your success.
                     What will people say? Dem go laugh me, blab la blahhh… Let them laugh; in a few years time we would know who would laugh last. If you have to sell orange to get funds, SELL; if you gat to eat N50 eba without (meat) in order to buy a form for an audition; DO IT. Just do everything you positively can
·         PRACTICE: 
                  As much as you can, PRACTICE like you don’t pray. Doing voluntary jobs is an opportunity to practice, utilize any chance u get to work for free. Even though the financial reward is not coming immediately, the reward you’d get in the future would come from the experience you are gaining now.
·         PRAY:
                 When it seems like you can’t see a future ahead- PRAY; when it seems like the world is conspiring against you- PRAY; when it seems like you are out of steam and wanna give up – PRAY. Prayer is the fastest way of communicating with the divine.  With prayer, the forces of nature have no choice but to bend to your will.

My sincere hope is that in the nearest future, Brand managers of multinational co operations would come knocking at your door, offering you deals that would extend to your fourth generation; just to have a tiny bit of your talent/idea/brand or potential.

Airhunuoje O Michael (LordOfSwagg)

Monday 27 August 2012

IamLordOfSwagg: The LordOfSwagg Show (Press Release)

IamLordOfSwagg: The LordOfSwagg Show (Press Release): Press Release Producers : KLASSIQUE INTEGRATED CONCEPTS. Title : The LordOfSwagg Show. Concept : An Interactive Debate Talk show...

Wednesday 22 August 2012

Nigerian Youths .mp4


What is the purpose of life if not to leave the world in a better state than you met it?

In this year alone, so many lives have been lost as a result of the selfishness of some individuals who crave for more wealth & power. We may not understand the value of the human live until someone close to you is gone(God forbid).

Can you count the number of souls that have been lost as a result of ''accidental discharge'' by men of the Nigerian police force who want ''egunje'' N20 from motorist on our roads; can you estimate the number of lives that have been taken in the beautiful city of JOS as a result of the ''GodknowsWhat'' crisis that have been happening there; what about the ''Boko Haram'' killings in BAUCHI that has its origin in from thin-air; we've not even talked about people that are sick in the hospitals, yet doctors go and strike because they have not been paid thier salaries.

The crime rate in this country has increased so much that a citizen can be robbed anywhere; be it in your house, office, market, school even on the road. Do we need a prophet to tell us that we are suffering as a Nation? Do we need the white man to tell us that our children's future is being cloudded with evil by the day. Are we not tired of being Blind?

Our parents led a life where they kept silient with the hope that our success would bring salvation to them. The truth is that we have failed them. We have let the greed that flows through the blood of some individuals touch us. Most of us, are no longer concerned about anything else but how to acquire wealth, houses, cars & all the luxuries of life. No one is really concerned about how his/her actions would make the society a better one.

Its funny & silly coz, the more we try to acquire, the more we lose the little we have. Nigerians are poor not because we cant be rich, but because we are just concerned about what we can gain from this earth. Mother nature does not support such a cause. Some people and generations would remain poor until they break themeselves free form this curse.

Have you ever seen yourself as a Nigerian, as a Leader... When you love something, you do your best to make it healthy, whole & strong. In turn, you would receive the same measure.

Have you ever tried to speak up for an oppressed person; have you tried to defend that young man who is being wrongly accused of theft; have you tried to question that young man who throws pure water nylon on the floor; have you ever tried to say NO to blocking; just make a little effort to be bold; make a little effort to ask why; make a little effort to say NO; no matter how small your action is, its a fire of CHANGE you are starting... Remember, you are never alone.

The holy scriptures say:''whatsoever you sow, you shall reap''.
My friends, be careful of the seeds you sow today; coz tomorrow you are going to reap the same.


Thursday 9 August 2012

IamLordOfSwagg: A certain story:A young man was told by his fath...

IamLordOfSwagg: A certain story:

A young man was told by his fath...
: A certain story: A young man was told by his father to build a house. The guy went about actively, taking funds from his father and doing ...

Thursday 26 July 2012


IamLordOfSwagg: TOP 10 WAYS TO FAIL AN INTERVIEW: TOP 10 WAYS TO FAIL AN INTERVIEW 1.       ARRIVE AT THE LOCATION LATE: If you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail. When you have...


    If you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail. When you have been scheduled for an interview, it is only right that you are at the venue at least thirty (30) mins to the said time.  You should arrange the clothes you are wearing a day before, and set everything you should before that D-day. If the journey takes one (1) hour averagely, you must leave home thirty (30) mins earlier than usual. This is to prevent traffic and unforeseen experience to be an ‘’Excuse ‘’ for you.
    Arriving at a venue late can also destabilize you mentally, making you unnecessary anxious and nervous.  Not to talk of the sweat that walking too fast may have caused on your body.
    An after effect of lesson one comes to play here. You are late, and the only thing on your mind is meeting up with THE BOSS, you are tempted to shout at the gateman if he is slow, or be rude to the receptionist if she seems to have an attitude problem. But you fail to understand that employers nowadays don’t just want to see your CV, in fact, most of them don’t really care. What they care about is the personality coming into their organization. You may be expecting to see one man with suit and glasses behind a desk as THE BOSS, but the BOSS may just be the young gateman outside you failed to say ‘‘Good morning’’ to. Peradventure you know the BOSS facial, don’t forget that you don’t know who may be interviewing you… neither can you totally predict the format of the interview. To be on the safe side, LEARN RESPECT. Not because of a person’s position or age, but because every human being DESERVES RESPECT.
    If you are not informed, you are definitely deformed… although it may not be physically, but it would be obvious during the interview. With the craze for job in the country, we find it difficult to read about the organizations. What we just do is see an opening, send our cv’s and once invited, you zoom of for an interview. But a quick question: What answers are you going to give when you have no idea of the questions you would be asked? It is of utmost importance that you find out as much as you can about an organization before you attend any interview. Knowing the organization beforehand, makes it easier for you to understand the role you can fill there.  It’s a sign to the examiners that this person is NOT just interested in getting ‘A JOB’ but passionate about working WITH US.
    Please bro/sis what did they ask you? Why on earth should you carry that university co-operation attitude to a workplace? The Examiner must have told the person not to reveal the content of their discussion or interview, yet he/she goes out and begins to discuss. Would the response really change anything about YOUR own interview? Doing that would simply destabilize your mind. This is because, subconsciously, you would be expecting the same line of questions too; when the Examiner asks a different question, you are lost. And even if the examiner asks the same question, there is a huge possibility that you would give the SAME answer the last candidate gave, making you all the SAME.  As long as you are there for your interview, you should be more concerned about yourself. Be social able, but don’t forget your reason for being there. If you prepare well, you would be confident in yourself and good to answer any question asked.
    You are a STAR and you are here not because you are jobless but because you just want a new experience… I hear! No matter WHO or WHAT you are or HAVE been, be as humble as you can when there. If you have other things that are important to do, do them and skip the interview. But if you decide to be present for it, make sure you are ready to wait. Patience is a virtue that is scarce in our today’s world. We are always in a hurry pursuing the wrong priorities. Looking at your watch constantly, your facial expressions and certain signs are enough to let the examiners understand that the job is a plan B not plan A.  At some occasions, Examiners deliberately delay individuals to see their reaction- and that may just be the whole interview.
    6.      DRESS TO KILL
    Except stated categorically, there is no reason why you should wear something that you are not comfortable in for an interview. It’s worrisome to see young individuals going out of their way in dressing for an interview. You know that you don’t have a suit., why would you go and borrow your elder bro’s coat and wear for an interview? Who do you really think you’d look like? As a lady, you wear high heels that you have to holding a walking stick to move comfortably on them in the name of an interview… Who are you really deceiving? Please, Corporate Dressing does not mean Suit! Wearing a simple well pressed shirt tucked in on a neatly pressed trousers and a tie is corporate already. Except you are closely close to the ground, why stress yourself with heels as a lady. A nice skirt and shirt would easily qualify for corporate dressing. If you have a good understanding of the organization you are going to, you’d definitely know what is right to put on. Seductive dressing was an added advantage for ladies back in the days; but now, doing that would clearing send signals that you are not what the organization needs.
    By nature, we tend to draw close to individuals that have the ability to aid us in the actualization of our goals, however, without a clear borderline; this could be a terrible idea. If you are fortunate to meet an examiner that is cheerful and nice, be careful not to forget your real goal. Many individuals especially young girls have been victim of this act. They get too close to one of the examiners and most times offer their bodies to them for special favors; but reverse is mostly the case. They are used, dumped and forgotten without getting anything in return. This is because; NO real BOSS would bring a Cheap Girl into his organization for business purposes, except that’s his BUSINESS. Even if the examiner is some way related to you, ensure you don’t cross the professional divide in your conversation. Do your best to share only information that concerns your job description in the organization.
    Following the previous point is the temptation to show that you are smarter than your Examiner. Some people rather than answer questions asked, proceed to helping the examiner rephrase a questioned that was been asked. You must remember that there is NEVER a wrong question but a WRONG answer. If a question seems incorrect in your perspective, answer politely from your level of understanding and stop. In a situation where there is no straight answer to it, evade it. Proverbs, Idioms and Short stories are unique ways of evading implicating questions. 
    Don’t forget to express you total disappointment or show your full confidence when the interview goes against or for you favour. No matter the outcome of the interview, you must be cool enough to handle it maturely. This is because; sometimes the real interview is after the first interview.  Don’t be so open to let the examiners see that you are filled with assurance of qualification, in reality, this makes the examiner feel like an easy nut to crack… nobody wants to look cheap (especially the BOSS.) On the other hand, if it doesn’t seem like you did well, don’t look so gloomy like a loser. If a BOSS is to reconsider, he/she definitely would not go for someone who gives up easily. Learn to be thankful for the Interview Experience and believe that even though you are not selected, you have learnt something you never knew before. Over Excitement and Moody faces have change the fates of many individuals that attended an interview.
    That moment when as you are about entering the BOSS office, he/she receives a call about the loss of his/her child; or the person before you insulted the Examiner and you are next to go in when he is still vexed. Believe me; it would take divine intervention for you to receive a positive response. No matter your religion, you need a touch of the supernatural to make sure that forces of nature don’t move against your cause. Our world is spiritual and if you are not strong, no matter the level of your preparations and intelligence, you will fail. Certain individuals go for an interview and before anything else; they are just liked by the Examiner on first sight… May that be your portion IJN (but you must pray well sha).
    I trust that with these few points of mine, you will become your own boss one day or better still, remain a Jobless youth. Lol. Pls Share to Friends/Foe.

Monday 16 July 2012

Are we Normal? ¿Lamron ew era

Are we Normal?
¿Lamron ew era

* Nigerian Police is supposed to fight corruption... Yet they are among the most corrupt in the world.
* Nigerian Eduacation is supposed to make us useful in the society... Yet Nigerian Graduates are jobless on the streets.
* Judges are supposed to uphold the truth and justice of the land... Yet Nigerian Judges are being Judged by the Government.
* Our pastors are supposed to provide, shelter and feed the lost sheep in the country... Yet in Nigeria, the lost sheep feeds, cloth and provide for dem pastors.
* Our celebrities & stars are suppose to show the ability and sanity of a true Nigerian... Yet, they are the ones that introduce us and our young ones to non-nigerian values (premarital sex, smoking, nude dressing,)
* Senators & Representatives are suppose to Represent our National Interest, yet they are only concerned about representing themselves and their families.
To the Youths:
Seeing this madness happening in your generation, you can either think of ways to make naija better in your own way, or Ignore these signs and say: It aint ma biz.
Years from now, your unborn children would either Bless You for your Heroics or Curse You for your Cowardice.
Don't just be alive, Live with a Purpose.

Thursday 5 July 2012


A certain story:

A young man was told by his father to build a house.

The guy went about actively, taking funds from his father and doing everything possible to see that the building was completed.

After a period of time, the house was completed. He took the Bunch of Keys and said: Take dad, I these are the keys to your house. The dad looked at him and said: Son, take the keys… The House is YOURS. It’s my Final Gift for you.

The young man fell on the ground and begins to cry.

He cried not because he was overjoyed. The young man cried because he used Cheap & inferior materials in building the House; with thinking that he was a smart guy making good money from his father.

HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY. Ref. James ch 1 vs 21-25; 1st John ch 1 vs 5-10; 1st Sam 15: 10; Acts ch 5:1.

God’s word does not lie, and no matter how hard we try to bend it or shake it, it stands true. Nowadays people use the term ”Born again Christian”. It is supposed to mean Christians that are in right standing with God i.e. Christians that are righteous in the sight of God. However, that term would be irrelevant if we truly abide by God’s word & Standard. A Christian is a person who believes that Christ came to the world to save him, and accepts this salvation of love. We should learn to live and act in this definition. When we do, it would reflect in our way of life.

With the kind of society we find ourselves, we are tempted daily to want to trust in our own wisdom and cleverness. In other to survive, we lie, cheat and take advantage of people all to make a little more (money, fame or power). This is Wrong.

Selling inferior products at the price of the Original is wrong. Changing financial estimates, reports & stuff in other to get more returns is wrong. Cheating in Order to pass an exam is wrong.

So many of us have been so corrupted with this seed such; that people don’t believe words that come out from our mouths anymore.

When we fail to be honest to ourselves, we find it difficult to be honest with/to others; how can we then be honest with God?

Some facts you should know:

* The only person a dishonest person really cheats is himself.

* When you are NOT honest in life, things get harder for you.

* The more we do the wrong things, the more we lose the sense of difference between good and evil.

* In life, if you do the ‘hard’ stuffs first, things tend to get easier from there.

* Why we act Dishonest?

Our Struggle for Survival- There is always a positive option friend.

Scared of Pain/Punishment – If you sleep in the Pillow of Comfort at your early stage, the foam of pain is waiting for you in your latter stage.

Search for Approval- Saul’s search for d people’s approval made him dishonest with God, Causing him the loss of his crown.

NB: When we learn to be honest in the simple things of life, we can then be honest with people around us and God. The growth of a nation is dependent on the sincerity of the people in it. Pls remember. A House (mansion, edifice) that is built on a sandy foundation cannot last long.

Have a Lovely week.

Yours in Trust.


A certain story:

A young man was told by his father to build a house.

The guy went about actively, taking funds from his father and doing everything possible to see that the building was completed.

After a period of time, the house was completed. He took the Bunch of Keys and said: Take dad, I these are the keys to your house. The dad looked at him and said: Son, take the keys… The House is YOURS. It’s my Final Gift for you.

The young man fell on the ground and begins to cry.

He cried not because he was overjoyed. The young man cried because he used Cheap & inferior materials in building the House; with thinking that he was a smart guy making good money from his father.

HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY. Ref. James ch 1 vs 21-25; 1st John ch 1 vs 5-10; 1st Sam 15: 10; Acts ch 5:1.

God’s word does not lie, and no matter how hard we try to bend it or shake it, it stands true. Nowadays people use the term ”Born again Christian”. It is supposed to mean Christians that are in right standing with God i.e. Christians that are righteous in the sight of God. However, that term would be irrelevant if we truly abide by God’s word & Standard. A Christian is a person who believes that Christ came to the world to save him, and accepts this salvation of love. We should learn to live and act in this definition. When we do, it would reflect in our way of life.

With the kind of society we find ourselves, we are tempted daily to want to trust in our own wisdom and cleverness. In other to survive, we lie, cheat and take advantage of people all to make a little more (money, fame or power). This is Wrong.

Selling inferior products at the price of the Original is wrong. Changing financial estimates, reports & stuff in other to get more returns is wrong. Cheating in Order to pass an exam is wrong.

So many of us have been so corrupted with this seed such; that people don’t believe words that come out from our mouths anymore.

When we fail to be honest to ourselves, we find it difficult to be honest with/to others; how can we then be honest with God?

Some facts you should know:

* The only person a dishonest person really cheats is himself.

* When you are NOT honest in life, things get harder for you.

* The more we do the wrong things, the more we lose the sense of difference between good and evil.

* In life, if you do the ‘hard’ stuffs first, things tend to get easier from there.

* Why we act Dishonest?

Our Struggle for Survival- There is always a positive option friend.

Scared of Pain/Punishment – If you sleep in the Pillow of Comfort at your early stage, the foam of pain is waiting for you in your latter stage.

Search for Approval- Saul’s search for d people’s approval made him dishonest with God, Causing him the loss of his crown.

NB: When we learn to be honest in the simple things of life, we can then be honest with people around us and God. The growth of a nation is dependent on the sincerity of the people in it. Pls remember. A House (mansion, edifice) that is built on a sandy foundation cannot last long.

Have a Lovely week.

Yours in Trust.




A certain story:

A young man was told by his father to build a house.

The guy went about actively, taking funds from his father and doing everything possible to see that the building was completed.

After a period of time, the house was completed. He took the Bunch of Keys and said: Take dad, I these are the keys to your house. The dad looked at him and said: Son, take the keys… The House is YOURS. It’s my Final Gift for you.

The young man fell on the ground and begins to cry.

He cried not because he was overjoyed. The young man cried because he used Cheap & inferior materials in building the House; with thinking that he was a smart guy making good money from his father.

HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY. Ref. James ch 1 vs 21-25; 1st John ch 1 vs 5-10; 1st Sam 15: 10; Acts ch 5:1.

God’s word does not lie, and no matter how hard we try to bend it or shake it, it stands true. Nowadays people use the term ”Born again Christian”. It is supposed to mean Christians that are in right standing with God i.e. Christians that are righteous in the sight of God. However, that term would be irrelevant if we truly abide by God’s word & Standard. A Christian is a person who believes that Christ came to the world to save him, and accepts this salvation of love. We should learn to live and act in this definition. When we do, it would reflect in our way of life.

With the kind of society we find ourselves, we are tempted daily to want to trust in our own wisdom and cleverness. In other to survive, we lie, cheat and take advantage of people all to make a little more (money, fame or power). This is Wrong.

Selling inferior products at the price of the Original is wrong. Changing financial estimates, reports & stuff in other to get more returns is wrong. Cheating in Order to pass an exam is wrong.

So many of us have been so corrupted with this seed such; that people don’t believe words that come out from our mouths anymore.

When we fail to be honest to ourselves, we find it difficult to be honest with/to others; how can we then be honest with God?

Some facts you should know:

* The only person a dishonest person really cheats is himself.

* When you are NOT honest in life, things get harder for you.

* The more we do the wrong things, the more we lose the sense of difference between good and evil.

* In life, if you do the ‘hard’ stuffs first, things tend to get easier from there.

* Why we act Dishonest?

Our Struggle for Survival- There is always a positive option friend.

Scared of Pain/Punishment – If you sleep in the Pillow of Comfort at your early stage, the foam of pain is waiting for you in your latter stage.

Search for Approval- Saul’s search for d people’s approval made him dishonest with God, Causing him the loss of his crown.

NB: When we learn to be honest in the simple things of life, we can then be honest with people around us and God. The growth of a nation is dependent on the sincerity of the people in it. Pls remember. A House (mansion, edifice) that is built on a sandy foundation cannot last long.

Have a Lovely week.

Yours in Trust.

